This is a CLI for the HBD app:
HBD is a birthday reminder app with a backend and a frontend. This CLI is a way to interact with the backend, so that users that prefer the terminal can use the app without having to open the browser.
Using the CLI you're able to do all the same things you can do on the frontend.
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Welcome to hbd-cli! This is a CLI tool to manage
birthday reminders using an HBD backend.
Don't have an HBD backend? you can self-host
your own instance:
or use our instance:
If you encounter any issues or have any suggestions,
feel free to open an issue:
hbd [command]
Available Commands:
auth Authentication related commands (login, register, etc.)
birthdays Birthday related commands (add, list, delete, modify)
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
health Health check the HBD service
help Help about any command
-h, --help help for hbd
-v, --version version for hbd
Use "hbd [command] --help" for more information about a command.