This is an example of how to "break" notebookLM and force it to generate an entirely different podcast.
This is not intended to be a guide, more of a jumping off point and proof of concept.
Here's an example of one of the podcasts. It's not perfect, but it's definitely a step in the right direction. More "story-based" and a directed podcast, not a general overview.
This was generated using the files in single female host WIP. Mostly. I think I've made a few changes since then though, so keep that in mind.
The files in the template folder should be your base.
Be sure to name the files the same as in the template.
We're using Deep Dive Podcast to "overwrite" what the base podcast is.
We're using Gemini Pro to try and direct the generation prior to sending it to the "podcast generator". It doesn't always follow though.
And we're using to direct the podcast where to pull information from.
Obviously, don't include the files. Those are just for github.
You can probably feed these into ChatGPT to get it to rewrite them for your needs (that's pretty much what I've been doing).
Mess around with it too. This is just my experimentation over the past few days.
You might be able to include other directives (if named properly).