- Synchronize the list of cluster nodes through rumor propagation
(Each node will eventually store a complete list of nodes that can be used in service registration discovery scenarios)
- Publishing cluster metadata information through rumor spreading
(The public data of the cluster, the local metadata information of each node is eventually consistent, and the storage content can be customized, such as storing some public configuration information, acting as a configuration center), The metadata verification and error correction function of each node of the cluster is realized through data exchange.
- Customize the underlying communication protocol through the
NodeList - Protocol
field. UDP is used by default. If you want to pursue high reliability, you can use TCP.
- The node list
list provides a series of parameters for users to customize and configure. Users can use the default parameters, or fill in the parameters according to their needs.
- Each node has a local node list NodeList.
- The background synchronization protocol of each node periodically encapsulates the node information into heartbeat data packets, and broadcasts it to some uninfected nodes in the cluster.
- After other nodes receive the heartbeat packet, they update their own local node list NodeList, and then broadcast the heartbeat packet to some uninfected nodes in the cluster.
- Repeat the previous broadcast step (rumor propagation method) until all nodes are infected, and this heartbeat infection ends.
- If there is a node in the local node list NodeList that has not sent the heartbeat update after timeout, delete the data of the timeout node.
- After a node calls the Publish() function to publish new metadata, the new data will spread to each node and then overwrite their local metadata information.
- Each node will periodically select a random node for metadata exchange check operation. If the metadata on a node is found to be old, it will be overwritten (anti-entropy propagation method).
- When a new node joins the cluster, the node will obtain the latest cluster metadata information through the data exchange function.
- Goland terminal input
go get github.com/dpwgc/pekonode
- Introduced in the program
import "github.com/dpwgc/pekonode"
- Configure the local node list
nodeList := pekonode.NodeList{
IsPrint: true, // Whether to print the list synchronization information to the console
- Initialize the local node list and set local node information
Addr: "", // IP address of the local node, please fill in the public network IP in the public network environment
Port: 8000, // Local node port number (Listen to the information sent by other nodes through this port)
- Add other node information
to the local node list
// is a node that has been started in the cluster
Addr: "",
Port: 9999,
- Add the node
to the Gossip cluster (start the heartbeat broadcast and listening coroutine in the background)
// After joining the cluster, node will establish contact with node 0.0.0:9999
- Get local node list
list := nodeList.Get()
// list:,
- Node stops publishing heartbeats
- Node restarts to publish heartbeats
- Publish new metadata information in the cluster
nodeList.Publish([]byte("test metadata"))
- Get local metadata information
metadata := nodeList.Read()
package main
import (
// Simple example, start a node
func main() {
// Configure the local node list parameters for this node
nodeList := pekonode.NodeList{
IsPrint: true, // Whether to output log information in the console, if not filled, the default is false
// Create a local node list and pass in local node information
Addr: "", // IP address of the local node, please fill in the public network IP in the public network environment
Port: 8000, // Local node port number
Name: "Test", // Node name, fill in custom
PrivateData: "test-data", // Node private data content, customize
// Add new node information to the local node list, you can add multiple nodes, the local node will synchronize information with these new nodes.
// If the first node in the cluster is started, the Set() addition operation can be omitted.
Addr: "",
Port: 9999,
Name: "Hello",
PrivateData: "test-data",
Addr: "",
Port: 7777,
Name: "Hi",
PrivateData: "test-data",
// Add the node to the Gossip cluster (start the heartbeat broadcast and listening coroutine in the background)
// Get local node list
list := nodeList.Get()
// Print node list
// Publish new metadata information in the cluster
nodeList.Publish([]byte("test metadata"))
// Read local metadata information
metadata := nodeList.Read()
// Print metadata information
// Because the work of heartbeat broadcasting is performed in the background coroutine, the main coroutine cannot be closed after calling the Join function, otherwise the program will exit directly.
// Infinite loop
for {
Test files: Under /test
- test
- tcp
TCP cluster connection test
- udp
UDP cluster connection test
- tcp
// NodeList
type NodeList struct {
nodes sync.Map // Node set (key is the Node structure, value is the second-level timestamp of the latest update of the node)
Amount int // Fan-out, How many nodes to send synchronization information to each time
Cycle int64 // Synchronization time period (how many seconds to send list synchronization information to other nodes)
Buffer int // UDP/TCP receive buffer size (determines how many requests the UDP/TCP listening service can handle asynchronously)
Size int // The maximum capacity of a single UDP/TCP heartbeat data packet, the default is 16k, if you need to synchronize larger metadata, please increase it yourself (unit: bytes)
Timeout int64 // Expired deletion limit for a single node (how many seconds to delete)
SecretKey string // Cluster secret key, the keys of each node in the same cluster should be consistent
localNode Node // local node information
Protocol string // Network protocol used for cluster connection, UDP or TCP, default UDP
ListenAddr string // Local UDP/TCP listening address, use this listening address to receive heartbeat packets from other nodes (generally fill in
status atomic.Value // Local node list update status (true: normal operation, false: stop publishing heartbeats)
IsPrint bool // Whether to print the list synchronization information to the console
metadata atomic.Value // Metadata, equivalent to the public data of the cluster (can store some public configuration information)
// Node
type Node struct {
Addr string // Node IP address (in the public network environment, fill in the public network IP)
Port int // The port number
Name string // Node name (custom)
PrivateData string // Node private data content (custom)
When the IsPrint parameter of NodeList is set to true, the program will print out the running information on the console.
2022-05-19 14:51:23 [[Join]: { 8000 A-server A}]
- Indicates that node joins the cluster
2022-05-19 14:52:23 [[Listen]: / [Node list]: [{ 8000 A-server A} { 8001 B-server B}]]
- Listen indicates the address and port of the local UDP listening service, and Node list indicates the current local node list.
2022-05-19 14:52:06 [[Stop]: { 8002 C-server C}]
- Indicates that node stops broadcasting heartbeat packets.
2022-05-19 14:52:36 [[Start]: { 8002 C-server C}]
- Indicates that node restarts broadcasting heartbeat packets.
2022-05-20 13:12:26 [[Swap Request]: ->]
2022-05-20 13:12:26 [[Swap Response]: <-]
- The 8002 node initiates a data exchange request to the 8000 node.
- The 8000 node responds to the exchange request of the 8002 node, and the data exchange work is completed.
- pekonode
- test
Test files
- config.go
Configure template
- opt.go
Provided to external series operation functions
- print.go
Console output
- sync.go
Cluster synchronization service
- net.go
network service
- udp.go
UDP sending and receiving service
- tcp.go
TCP sending and receiving service
- md5.go
MD5 key generation
- test