One way to show your related posts on WordPress, without using a plugin. Made for
At the end of the page, it will display 4 related posts.
The category of each one, is not so specific, than I use a PHP code to always get the fist tag, other then the category posts.
$first_tag = $tags[0]->term_id;
But only if it has them
if( $my_query->have_posts() ) { echo '<div id="related_posts" class="clear"><h3>Posts Relacionados</h3><ul class="related_posts_container">';
They asked me if I could display these related posts in a more organized way, specialy with the mobile version. So, for the style, I called an object-fit: cover;
on each cover img, following by this grid template, so the posts would respect the rule grid-template: auto/repeat(auto-fit,minmax(180px,2fr));
That's it!