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Don T edited this page Sep 25, 2016 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the photonMasterRemote wiki!

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photonAlarm is adding RF wireless sensors!!

Like the alarm system itself, this wiki is a work in progress.

One exciting thing that I'm working on is having PCBWay make a new board. I designed the board using Eagle Cad. The new board will have several improvements / fixes as well as new features.

The new revision 5 board:

The major fix will be to include pull-up resistors for the I2C bus. Currently they are provided by an attached MCP9808 or simply external resistors.

Enhancements will be: Add connection block for TX / RX pins. Add on-board hardware watchdog timer Change 1-wire bus protection diodes to SMD devices. Add fuse protection.

I will be making a 'few' of these boards so if anyone is interested I may provide them at a very nominal cost. I might even add the SMD components if you don't have the desire / equipment to do this.

Stay tuned...

Don T. September 2016

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