This is a based on cypress with the cypress-image-snapshot pluging
Main reason for this project is to test the page responsiveness with multiple page sizes in a single test
Install node
node --version
Project set up
Clone the project from the repo
Open the project from the editor
Go to terminal and install all required dependencies using package.json
Most of the time editor will install the dependencies automatically
plugin is added inside the plugin folder
npm install
We have used cypress 4.1
- To execute the tests on you have to run the test first,it will take the sanp shots of your web pages and saved in the screen shot folder this will automatically generated.
- Automatic folder will generated when you run the test again with the screen shot comparisions reports.
- Run the below command twice, first time it will take the snap shots and second run it will compare the snapshots and generate the reports.
- Test file name is example_spec.js under integration folder
npx cypress run -b chrome
- to update the snap shots run
npx cypress run --env updateSnapshots=true
- After completed test run
- Image comparission report on failed test cases,Folders with the images will automatically generated in the project root folder.