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Positioning of Images

Dolan edited this page Jun 22, 2018 · 1 revision

Images can be:

  • floating position of images
  • Wrapped around the text
  • Inline

By default, picture are exported as INLINE elements.

In Word this is found in:

Word Image Positiong


The PictureRun element support various options to define the positioning of the element in the document.

interface DrawingOptions {
    position?: PlacementPosition;
    textWrapping?: TextWrapping;
    floating?: Floating;

can be passed when creating PictureRun() for example:

 const imageData = document.createImageData(

new docx.PictureRun(imageData, {
        position: docx.PlacementPosition.FLOATING,
        floating: {
          horizontalPosition: {
            relative: HorizontalPositionRelativeFrom.PAGE,
            align: HorizontalPositionAlign.LEFT,
          verticalPosition: {
            relative: VerticalPositionRelativeFrom.PAGE,
            align: VerticalPositionAlign.TOP,

So, the first thing is to define the placement position: INLINE or FLOATING. Inline is the default one so there is no need to pass drawing options for inline.

When placement position is FLOATING then we can use two options:

Wrap text

for drawingOptions.textWrapping we can define various options. textWrapping has the following properties:

interface TextWrapping {
    textWrapStyle: TextWrapStyle;
    wrapTextOption?: WrapTextOption;
    distanceFromText?: Distance;

enum TextWrapStyle {

enum WrapTextOption {
    BOTH_SIDES = "bothSides",
    LEFT = "left",
    RIGHT = "right",
    LARGEST = "largest",

Floating position

When we want to position the image relative or absolute then we need to use option drawingOptions.floating:

export interface Floating {
    horizontalPosition: HorizontalPositionOptions;
    verticalPosition: VerticalPositionOptions;
    allowOverlap?: boolean;
    lockAnchor?: boolean;
    behindDocument?: boolean;
    layoutInCell?: boolean;

export interface HorizontalPositionOptions {
    relative: HorizontalPositionRelativeFrom;
    align?: HorizontalPositionAlign;
    offset?: number;

export interface VerticalPositionOptions {
    relative: VerticalPositionRelativeFrom;
    align?: VerticalPositionAlign;
    offset?: number;

export enum HorizontalPositionRelativeFrom {
    CHARACTER = "character",
    COLUMN = "column",
    INSIDE_MARGIN = "insideMargin",
    LEFT_MARGIN = "leftMargin",
    MARGIN = "margin",
    OUTSIDE_MARGIN = "outsideMargin",
    PAGE = "page",
    RIGHT_MARGIN = "rightMargin",

export enum VerticalPositionRelativeFrom {
    BOTTOM_MARGIN = "bottomMargin",
    INSIDE_MARGIN = "insideMargin",
    LINE = "line",
    MARGIN = "margin",
    OUTSIDE_MARGIN = "outsideMargin",
    PAGE = "page",
    PARAGRAPH = "paragraph",
    TOP_MARGIN = "topMargin",

export enum HorizontalPositionAlign {
    CENTER = "center",
    INSIDE = "inside",
    LEFT = "left",
    OUTSIDE = "outside",
    RIGHT = "right",

export enum VerticalPositionAlign {
    BOTTOM = "bottom",
    CENTER = "center",
    INSIDE = "inside",
    OUTSIDE = "outside",
    TOP = "top",