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Alec Clews edited this page Sep 13, 2023 · 11 revisions

Desktop Container Management Tutorial

An introductory tutorial to Container Management on the dekstop. The material is designed for technical users (developers, testers, and technical writers) who have never used Container Management before.

Along the way attendees will learn how to build images, run containers, map ports and create mounts. Finally the compose tool is introduced.

Containers are a popular technology but it's often confusing for the novice. This short tutorial makes no assumptions about prior container knowledge and takes the you through the basic concepts and terminology.

It emphasis a learn by doing approach, with a workbook of suggested activities that practice the important topics.

The workshop uses the docker command to execute container management actions and all the activities take place in a command shell.

To install docker on macOS or Windows you will need to install either Rancher Desktop or Docker Desktop and a Setup guide is provided.

Note that both Rancher Desktop and Docker Desktop use the Moby Project as the underdyling Docker engine and so once the these products are set up all commands work identically.

Simlpe install instructions are also provided for Linux users to install the Moby Docker Engine and tools. Again all commands work identically.

Bonus Content

You should install a deskestop container managemenet system by following the Setup instructions. Then work through the activities in the workbook.

The slides can be downloaded from here

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This material has been updated since the original presentation at LCA2019.