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Ready-to-use examples of dkpro-core components and pipelines

This package, dkpro-core-examples, demonstrates the use of DKPro Core components, such as readers, annotators, and writers. Each module in this project refers to a DKPro core component, providing a simple pipeline that is usable as is.

This branch uses DKPro Core version 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT.


So far, dkpro-core-examples comprises the following examples:

  • nameannotation-asl: a dictionary-based name annotator that uses a custom annotation type.
  • lda-asl: pipelines to demonstrates how to estimate an LDA model and how to use it to infer topic proportions in documents. Note that the API and hence the examples have changed in v1.9.x.
  • tokenizedwriter-asl: demonstrates the TokenizedTextWriter which writes all tokens from all documents separated by whitespaces, one sentence per line; can be used to prepare data for external tools such as Word2Vec.
  • stanfordcorecomponents-gpl: demonstrates the usage of the Stanford Core NLP tools; mind that they are GPL-licensed!
  • wordembeddings-asl: a pipeline that shows how to generate word embeddings from a custom corpus and how to use them with an annotator.
  • phraseannotator-asl: pipelines demonstrating the usage of the classes FrequencyCounter and PhraseAnnotator to detect lexical phrases in a frequency-based manner.


In case you have any questions or problems with these examples, we are happy to help you -- this is a tutorial project, so we are glad to improve things and make life easier for both new and experienced DKPro Core users. The easiest ways to get in touch are the DKPro Core mailing lists or to submit an issue.