The code does something to run. Please run python in terminal. The app run on 25 stocks here are the tickers of the 25 stocks ... 'AAPL', 'AMZN', 'MSFT', 'MOIL', 'GOOG', 'VEDL','TSLA' ,'SBI','ITC','MRF','IDEA','BSE','PNB','CSV','OIL','SPY','QQQ','IWM','FB','GDX','INDA','TCS','V','VOD','JPM'
The returns and std dev are taken data reader api source python,necessary computations are done and through matolib graph is plotted and doing 2.5 lakhs combinations of weights are simulated and then least std dev point is found.and that is marked with a star and efficient frontier is plotted.