Golang wrapper over Celestia node API. Library implements API from the docs.
go get github.com/dipdup-net/celestia-node-api
First, create API structure
api := NewAPI("base URL to Celestia node API")
API endpoints are implemented in library
// Head - returns the tip (head) of the node's current chain.
func (api API) Head(ctx context.Context) (response HeaderResponse, err error)
// Header - returns the header of the given `height`.
func (api API) Header(ctx context.Context, height uint64) (response HeaderResponse, err error)
// NamespaceData - returns original messages of the given namespace ID `namespaceID` from the given block `height`.
func (api API) NamespaceData(ctx context.Context, namespaceID string, height uint64) (response NamespaceData, err error)
// NamespaceShares - returns shares of the given namespace ID `namespaceID` from the latest block (chain head).
func (api API) NamespaceShares(ctx context.Context, namespaceID string) (response NamespaceData, err error)
// NamespaceSharesByHeight - returns shares of the given namespace ID `namespaceID` from the block of the given `height`.
func (api API) NamespaceSharesByHeight(ctx context.Context, namespaceID string, height uint64) (response NamespaceShares, err error)
// DataAvailable - returns whether data is available at a specific block `height` and the probability that it is available based on the amount of samples collected.
func (api API) DataAvailable(ctx context.Context, height uint64) (response DataAvailableResponse, err error)
// Balance - returns the balance of the default account address of the node.
func (api API) Balance(ctx context.Context) (response Balance, err error)
// BalanceOf - returns the balance of the default account address of the node.
func (api API) BalanceOf(ctx context.Context, address string) (response Balance, err error)
// SubmitTx - submits the given transaction to a running instance of celestia-app.
func (api API) SubmitTx(ctx context.Context, tx SubmitTx) (response SubmittedTx, err error)
// SubmitPfd - Constructs, signs and submits a PayForData message to a running instance of celestia-app. The body of the /submit_pfd request should contain the hex-encoded namespace_id, the hex-encoded data, and the gas_limit as a uint64.
func (api API) SubmitPfd(ctx context.Context, tx SubmitPfd) (response SubmittedPfd, err error)
package main
import (
func main() {
api := NewAPI("base URL to Celestia node API")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*10)
defer cancel()
head, err := api.Head(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("%##v", head)