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Mapeo Settings Builder

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Build settings file for Mapeo Desktop

When run in a folder of configuration, icon files and imagery definitions will create a single settings tarball which can be imported into Mapeo Desktop to configure the application for a particular use-case.

Table of Contents


npm install --global mapeo-settings-builder


# Lint settings
mapeo-settings lint

# Build settings tar file and output to stdout
mapeo-settings build {OPTIONS}

# Generate a project key
mapeo-settings generate-key

Mapeo Presets Builder expects the following file structure in the current directory:

├── categories
│   ├── a_category.json
│   ├── other_category.json
│   └── ...
├── fields
│   ├── a_field.json
│   ├── other_field.json
│   └── ...
├── presets
│   ├── preset_category
│   │   ├── a_preset.json
│   │   ├── other_preset.json
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── other_preset_category
│   │   ├── a_preset.json
│   │   ├── other_preset.json
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── uncategorized_preset.json
│   ├── other_uncategorized_preset.json
│   └── ...
├── icons
│   ├── a_icon.svg
│   ├── other_icon.svg
│   └── ...
├── defaults.json
├── imagery.json
├── metadata.json
└── style.css


  • imagery.json is an object that should follow the structure defined by editor-layer-index
  • style.css is custom css to override iD css.
  • icons is a folder of svg images to build a sprite for preset icons
  • categories, fields, presets, defaults.json see iD presets
  • metadata.json contains optional properties:
    • projectKey is a 32 byte (256-bit) random number encoded as a hex string (numbers 0-9 and lowercase letters a-f)
    • name is a human-readable name of these presets (written from package.json if it does not already exist)
    • version is the version number of the presets (written from package.json if it does not already exist)
    • syncServer is the URL of a mapeo-web server to sync to. (written from package.json if it does not already exist). For the Digital Democracy server this should be wss://, but the project key will need to be enabled on the server first.


  • -l, --lang=<langCode> - the base language of the settings, defaults to en.
  • -o, --output=<filename> - write the settings tarball to this file, if unspecified prints to stdout.
  • -t, --timeout=<number> - timeout limit (in milliseconds) for icon generation process.


PRs accepted.

Small note: If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


MIT © Digital Democracy