This is a dashboard hosted at
Components are:
- Github - repository including CICD pipe to auto-build the React app on Netlify
- Netlify - front end hosting, and proxying of API calls to MongoDB Atlas
- MongoDB Atlas - data storage, aggregatation pipelines, API to handle ingestion of AIS data, and functions to poll OpenWeatherMap for updates
- SignalK - locally hosted to push NMEA2K data to MongoDB
- AIS Server - pushes AIS data to MongoDB in batches
Dependencies are:
- axios
- datejs
- leaflet
- prop-types
- react-datepicker
- react-dom
- react-icons
- react-leaflet
- react-leaflet-custom-control
- react-page-visibility
- react-router-dom
- react-scripts
- react-select
- recharts
- react-burger-menu
To install npm packages for the React App:
npm install react react-dom leaflet
npm install react-leaflet
npm install axios
npm install datejs
npm install react-icons --save
npm install recharts
npm install react-router-dom
npm install react-select
npm install react-page-visibility --save
npm install react-datepicker --save
npm install react-burger-menu --save
For more instructions on the front-end React App look here
Sometime soon:
- re-architect API calls to remove unecessary requests
- add a config setting to switch between live and BOM data source
- write a function to collect names and data of vessels not currently in the database
- add AISHub data / confrm Scarborough is feeding correctly (separate to Manly)
- turn off data refresh if the page is not selected
- investigate tides (is time correct for AESST)
Maybe later:
- still some annoying CSS alignment issues
- Forecast is not showing in mobile view
- add a TTL index to signalk->ais->positions to cap data at 3 months
- add config page to support other locations
put the 'weather refreshed' time somewhere inconspicuous- add tooltips back into each chart
- experiment with serviceworker
- experiment with adding all other AIS tracks in view
- experiment with adding operational areas
- this mini-map is kind of cool
- look at a higher contrast map or marine chart layer
add wind gustsallow history to be selected per individual vessel or group of vesselsallow history to be selected by date rangeadd a lat/lon grid to the dashboard mapminify production deploymentadd position in the bottom corner of the mapadd a menu and extra tab pages for historical tracksfix the default routing to point to the dashboard pageadd a button to animate rainchange the default height to the viewport (i.e. excluding menu bars etc, instead of the whole screen)add pressure and wind direction to the forecast panelsadd the full date and time for tooltips on the history page"other" tracks can go back to grey?sort out a mobile versionmake the label next to each icon about midway up the bubbleadd a button or something to the map to click and drag the screen up on a mobilechange the default time to 24 hours or so (play around with this)add different color or line style to indicate where signal has been lostdefault to rain animation off - it doesnt render cleanly enough on AndroidTVremove the attribution on leafletchange the colors to be driven from the databasecheck is the current weather obs actually the latest? i.e. is it sorting properly?change to color for each track to match the iconadd an animate play/pause buttonthe clock font can be slightly bigger, and add a little margin between it and the weatherplay with the track dots - they look old fashionedfix the scales and labels on the wind and pressure charts (e.g. wind should not go to -0.1)sequence the soft start delay (weather & stats & forecast -> wind -> pressure -> tide -> tracks -> rain)relook whether to add a label for the wind panelsort out the mobile versionturn off data refresh if the page is not visibleremove API keys from lambda functionadd a legend key and different icon colors on the history pagethe degrees celcius symbol is seperated from the numerals for some reasonexpand the capacity of the positions collection in mongoDB to 3 monthsbreak up tracks into segments when signal is lost for a whileauto scale the History page to the collected tracks"Light Intensity Shower Rain" is too long for the displayadd a spinner to the history page while its fetchng datafix redirects so browsing history worksfix position lat/lon display for track markersmake the course display as three digits and degrees symboladd an indicator for local ip and remote address
Reminder (as I look at this so infrequently):
npm start
- Default AndroidTV resolution was 1280x720
- ViewSonic 27in QHD VA 165Hz Curved Adaptive Sync Gaming Monitor (VX2718-2KPC-MHD) is 2560x1440
- Using ADB:
adb connect [IP address]
adb devices
adb shell wm size 1920x1080
adb shell wm density 164
Play around with the density number depending on the size of your tv (160 is ok on the viewsonic monitor)
Then to update the splash screen:
adb remount
adb shell ls -al /system/media
C:\Temp\ADB>adb shell ls -al /system/media
total 5939
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2022-04-18 16:53 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3488 2022-10-20 19:19 ..
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 2022-04-18 15:52 audio
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 475354 2022-04-18 16:53 boot.mp4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5588643 2022-04-18 16:53
Find the bootanimation file: adb shell find / -name "bootanimation*" Pull the old files:
adb pull /system/media/boot.mp4 c:\temp\boot.mp4
adb pull /system/media/ c:\temp\
Change them and push them back to the device:
adb push c:\temp\boot.mp4 /system/media/boot.mp4
adb push c:\temp\ /system/media/
For more info look at: