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Release steps

Sambit Das edited this page Sep 28, 2018 · 8 revisions
  • Update parameters.tex in doc/manual to the latest input parameters. Use :g/it Value/d in vim editor to remove all lines with that pattern.
  • Check gcc compilation on caen machine.
  • Update demo example output files.
  • Update version in version file, Doxyfile, welcome message and doc/manual/manual.tex.
  • Compile manual.tex and update manual-current-release.pdf in manual branch (this is for website linking).
  • Use Travis CI to generate doxygen documentation.
  • Merge publicGithubDevelop into release branch via PR.
  • Do release testing- make fixes in bugFix branch off release and merge into both release and publicGithubDevelop branch.
  • Tag the release branch with the version number and update the tarball link in the website.
  • Finally, make sure pubicGithubDevelop branch in bitbucket is synchronized with publicGithubDevelop branch in github repo.
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