🚨 This repo does not currently have a maintainer. Contact @developmentseed if you have any questions.
Please see contributing.md for guidelines on contributing. All Pull Requests should be made against the develop
- Install Bundler
$ bundle install
(this will install Jekyll and other libraries needed for the site)
$ bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl '' -w
-- this rebuilds the site whenever a change is made, you will need to reload
The site is served via GitHub Pages based on content within the gh-pages
Maps are served via mapbox-gl.js. Additional data sources can be added by creating an item in the Sources collection and updating the YAML front matter.
- Source filenames should match the id of the source.
- Vector styles specific to the source should be included.
- The source-url should be the location of the vector tile set.
title: US Natural Gas
attribution: EIA
attribution-url: http://www.eia.gov/maps/layer_info-m.cfm
id: NaturalGas_InterIntrastate_Pipelines_US
source-url: mapbox://mappingfuture.b2hs38fr
layer: NaturalGas_InterIntrastate_Pipelines_US
- line
themes: oil
line-color: '#c7125a'
line-width: 0.8