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An extension for hypothesis to easily define composite strategies via dataclasses.


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An extension for hypothesis with which dataclasses can be used to combine and define new strategies.


Hypothesis is a Python library for writing parametrized tests in Python. It can for example be combined with pytest and allows for easily running tests with many different examples. Data is provided by strategies which defined how and which data can be generated. Hypothesis also has a built-in mechanism for combining strategies, the composite strategy.

This package aims to extends this functionality by allowing Python dataclasses to define composite strategies.

To this end, this module defines the instances hypothesis SearchStrategy which accepts a dataclass as its argument. (More precisely, this is a function returning a SearchStrategy object.)
Additionally, it defines a from_field function which accepts search strategies and returns a dataclass field. This allows fields to be defined as being drawn from a certain strategy. Two helper functions drawn_fields and will_draw can be used to get all the fields of a dataclass that will be drawn and to check whether a particualar field will be drawn.


1. Basic Usage

A basic minimal example using the core functionality would look like this:

from hypothesis.strategies import floats
from hypothesis_dataclasses import dataclass, field_from, instances

class UnitSquarePoint:
    x1: float = field_from(floats(0, 1))
    x2: float = field_from(floats(0, 1))

example_point = instances(UnitSquarePoint).example()

This will first define the dataclass UnitSquarePoint as a class with two fields x1 and x2. These are assigned the strategy floats(0, 1) using field_from. Then, the instances strategy is used to generate an example for the dataclass which is finally printed. This example will be an instance of UnitSquarePoint and the fields will be drawn from their respective strategies. In principle, this example shows how to generate random points in the unit square [0, 1] × [0, 1] with coordinates x1 and x2.

A more general case would look like this:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from hypothesis_dataclasses import instances

class Point:
    x1: float
    x2: float

example_point = instances(Point).example()

This will generate arbitrary points with random float values drawn and assigned to x1 and x2. Generally, the hypothesis.strategies.from_type strategy is applied to the type annotation of fields that do not explicitly set a strategy using field_from. Note that, in this case, this means that ±inf and nan ("Not a Number") values may also be drawn for x1 and x2.

Here, the @hypothesis_dataclasses.dataclass decorator has also been replaced with the builtin @dataclass decorator. Currently, there is no difference between these two decorators except that @hypothesis_dataclasses.dataclass does not provide an init argument and that arguments which are not available, such as slots in Python versions below 3.10, will be silently ignored.

Note that using the builtin @dataclass with init=False will fail during construction of the instances. In general, a proper __init__ method allowing for the drawn fields to be provided as keyword arguments must be provided.

There are a few additional caveats:

  • Consequently, fields that have init=False set will not be drawn, even if they appear as constructor arguments.
  • Fields that define a default value will not be drawn and will retain that value.

2. More Control over How Fields Are Drawn

In order to define dependent fields, it is possible to define @classmethod or @staticmethod callback functions that will be called to draw the values of certain fields:

from hypothesis.strategies import DrawFn, floats
from hypothesis_dataclasses import dataclass, field_from, instances, \
    manualdraw, PartialInstance

class TwoFloats:
    lower_bound: float = field_from(floats(0, 1))
    value: float

    def draw_value(
        draw: DrawFn, field: str, pi: PartialInstance
    ) -> float:
        return draw(floats(pi.lower_bound, 1))

example_instance = instances(TwoFloats).example()

In this example, a value for the field lower_bound is drawn from the interval [0, 1] are drawn. Ater that, draw_value is called with a hypothesis DrawFn followed by the field name and a PartialInstance object containing the already drawn fields. Inside the function, a value from the interval [lower_bound, 1] is drawn and returned. This value will be assigned to the value field.

The second str parameter is provided for the case when multiple field values are passed to the @manualdraw decorator. The function will then be called for all of these fields and the field parameter specifies which field is drawn with the current call.

Note that if @classmethod is used instead of @staticmethod, the additional cls parameter would have to be added to the draw_value function, just as with regular classmethods.

Furthermore, it is also possible to call hypothesis.assume in this callback in order to reject the partially drawn example if necessary. However, it is always better to provide hypothesis with the constraints instead of rejecting already drawn examples, if possible. This is why the @manualdraw decorator is preferrable to the validation options presented in points 3 and 4 below.

3. Callbacks for Fields

It is possible to define @classmethod or @staticmethod callback functions that will be called after the values for a certain set of fields have been determined. This can be used to perform additional checks on certain subsets of the dataclass fields using hypothesis.assume:

from hypothesis import assume
from hypothesis.strategies import floats
from hypothesis_dataclasses import calloncedrawn, dataclass, \
    field_from, instances, PartialInstance
from typing import FrozenSet

class UnitSquarePointNotIn11Circle:
    x1: float = field_from(floats(0, 1))
    x2: float = field_from(floats(0, 1))

    @calloncedrawn("x1", "x2")
    def validate(fields: FrozenSet[str], pi: PartialInstance):
        # Make sure the point is NOT inside the circle around (0.5, 0.5)
        # with radius 0.4. (And also not on its radius.)
        assume(((pi.x1 - 0.5) ** 2 + (pi.x2 - 0.5) ** 2) > (0.4 ** 2))

example_point = instances(UnitSquarePointNotIn11Circle).example()

In this example, the validate function is called after x1 and x2 have been drawn. The first parameter of type FrozenSet[str] contains the fields passed to the decorator. All of these fields have values assigned when the callback is called. In order to access them, the partially drawn instance is provided as the second argument. Note that there is no guarantee that the sampling of x1 and x2 is uniform over [0, 1] × [0, 1].

Note that if @classmethod is used instead of @staticmethod, the additional cls parameter would have to be added to the validate function, just as with regular classmethods.

Additionally, it would have been possible to call hypothesis.assume in a __post_init__ function defined on the dataclass which will be called after the __init__ method has initialized the instance. However, if the class has many fields that may be drawn, it might be possible and more efficient to check a subset of the values even before all values are drawn. In this case, the @calloncedrawn decorator is useful. However, if possible, it is always preferrable to use @manualdraw, see point 2 above.

Note that if there are multiple callbacks to be called after a certain set of fields has been drawn, then the order in which these will be called is undefined.

4. Pydantic Support

This package also has support for pydantic: field_validators can be used to ensure that fields have certain values or that certain fields' values have certain relations. Pydantic is an optional dependency, which will normally not be automatically installed when this package is installed, see the installation section below.

An example using pydantic would be:

from hypothesis.strategies import floats
from hypothesis_dataclasses import field_from, instances
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
from pydantic import field_validator

class SpecialPoints:
    x1: float = field_from(floats(0, 1))
    x2: float = field_from(floats(0, 1))

    def validate_x1(value: float) -> float:
        if not (0.3 < value < 0.7):
            raise ValueError
        return value

example_point = instances(SpecialPoints).example()

Here, we restrict the set of points to points for which 0.3 ≤ x1 ≤ 0.7.

Note that pydantic validators will be called after the __init__ function has constructed the instance. This means, that this method might not always be the most performant option, for example if many fields are drawn and only one is validated. The options listed above in points 2 and 3 may be more useful in this case.

Furthermore, in order to enable pydantic's field_validators, the pydantic @dataclass decorator must be used instead of the bultin decorator or the decorator provided by this package.

5. Inheritance

It is possible to extend existing dataclass defined strategies using inheritance. In this case, fields defined in parent classes will be drawn before the fields of subclasses. This also means that @calloncedrawn and @drawmanually callbacks can be overridden by naming the functions for the callbacks the same as the callbacks defined in the parent class.

A simple example:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from hypothesis.strategies import DrawFn, floats
from hypothesis_dataclasses import field_from, instances, manualdraw, \

class BaseClass:
    base_float: float = field_from(floats(0, 1))

class DerivedClass(BaseClass):
    derived_float: float = field_from(floats(4, 5))

    def draw_base_float(
        draw: DrawFn, field: str, pi: PartialInstance
    ) -> float:
        return draw(floats(2, 3))

base_example = instances(BaseClass).example()

derived_example = instances(DerivedClass).example()

As you can see when executing this example, the derived class now has both fields defined and their values were drawn from the strategies as expected, with base_float being drawn from floats(2, 3) for the derived class.

6. More Examples

Further examples can also be found in the docstrings of:

  • the hypothesis_dataclasses package itself (that is, the module file),
  • the instances strategy,
  • the manualdraw decorator,
  • the calloncedrawn decorator

and in the unit tests in the tests directory.


The minimal supported version of Python for this package is Python 3.7.

You can install this package directly from git using pip:

pip install git+

Alternatively, you can clone the git repo and run in its root directory:

pip install .

Both of these options will install the package without the optional dependence pydantic. If this is already installed, the provided functionality will still be available.

If you want to install the package with pydantic directly use

pip install git+[pydantic]


pip install .[pydantic]

depending on whether you install directly from github or from a local repo. See also this answer on Stack Overflow which explains how to install extra dependencies when installing from git or a local repo.


An extension for hypothesis to easily define composite strategies via dataclasses.






