Simple web application to estimate your one rep max of a gym lift based on the lifted weight and repetitions done. Also there is option to calculate your powerlifting wilks score.
The goal is to practice NextJS and see how it works. One MAJOR problem I found and didn't think of is that using redux-persist
library blocks the initial render on the server side, because it neeeds the client's localstorage to load. Since database is kinda overkill for this project I decided to persist state in the localstorage that way.
Tech Stack:
- NextJS w/ TypeScript
- Redux / Redux Toolkit / Redux Persist
- Jest w/ React Testing Library
- RadixUI (shadcn) & TailwindCSS
- Jenkins
- Wilks Page
- Switch from AWS to VPS
- CI/CD Pipeline - using VPS with jenkins container and action to trigger the pipeline. AWS is quiet expensive for my hobby projects and moved everything on my own VPS.
- History
git pull
npm install
npx husky install
- You can use
npm run commit
to commit with commitizen.