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Station names in VBB/BVG data are terribly inconsistent, cluttered with abbreviations, phrases to tell identically named places apart, and unhelpful suffixes like , Bahnhof.

This package keeps only those parts that are relevant for searching locally, and normalizes umlauts and special characters:

  • S Südkreuz Bhf (Berlin) -> s suedkreuz
  • S Beusselstr -> sbahn beussel strasse
  • S+U Warschauer Str. -> s u warschauer strasse
  • Charité - Campus Benjamin Franklin (Berlin) -> charite campus benjamin franklin

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npm install normalize-vbb-station-name-for-search


const normalize = require('normalize-vbb-station-name-for-search')

normalize('S+U Warschauer Str.') // 's+u warschauer strasse'


If you have a question, found a bug or want to propose a feature, have a look at the issues page.