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Active Versions

A small project showcasing a cool thing you can do with ActiveRecord - creating versioned records in a Rails application without using a gem.

Technology Used

Local Development

You'll first need an environment that can run Rails (like Unix), or a good Docker image to use for Windows. Second, you'll need Postgres installed locally.

Cloning the Project

  1. Clone the project locally
  2. Once cloned, navigate to the project, and use the .env.example to create a .env file. This will be used for connecting to the DB locally.
  3. Make sure Ruby and Rails is installed locally. (A version manager like rbenv might also be required if multiple Rails projects are on your machine)
  4. Run bundle install

Connecting to Postgres

  1. Before continuing, make sure you have Postgres installed locally, and can access it. This could be through psql, or a desktop application like PgAdmin or DBeaver.
  2. Create a database locally, you could name it versionhistory, or whatever suits your fancy.
  3. You could also create a database on a service like Supabase and connect to it locally, it would probably just take a few more steps.
  4. Find the connection details of your local postgres database. You'll need the HOST, DATABASE, USERNAME, and PASSWORD. PORT should default to 5432.
  5. Once connected, you should be able to run your rails commands and start your server!

Running the Project

  1. With Postgres connected, you should be able to run rails db:setup to create your tables, load the schema, and run the seeds file that creates Customers and CustomerVersions.
  2. You may or may not need to run rake assets:precompile and rake assets:clean.
  3. Start the project up with rails s