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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

1️⃣ good first issue
1️⃣ good first issue
Good for newcomers
🐛 bug
🐛 bug
Something isn't working
Pull requests that update a dependency file
📚 docs
📚 docs
Improvements or additions to documentation
⭐ epic
⭐ epic
A grouping of features or tasks
✨ feature
✨ feature
New feature or feature request
🚧 maintainer issue
🚧 maintainer issue
An issue that is being tackled by maintainers
🧩 more involved issue
🧩 more involved issue
Good for seasoned contributors
❎ not active
❎ not active
This issue is no longer being worked on
📐 proposal
📐 proposal
A concept/proposition, no design work has been done yet
🤔 question
🤔 question
Something not yet formalized as an issue
💫 refactor
💫 refactor
Improvement or change upon an already existing feature
🧪 tests
🧪 tests
Adding test coverage