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electronic music 1996 - 2001

The official release of my Scream Tracker songs.

Listen Online or Download zip.

I did all of them on a 386 SX with 4mb of memory, although the ScreamTracker did only use the base memory window, so you could use about 450kb. This is not so bad since an instrument could only be 64k samples long. That again is the entire memory available to the Commodore 64, so actually, i had quite a nice setup.

To release an album, the songs were played in the Inertia Player and recorded to 90 minutes cassette tapes, relentlessly twisting the volume knob just slightly to simulate a kind of mastering. All of these tapes have gone to friends and today i can only enjoy my memories and this actual stack of S3M files that were still on some old harddrive.

For some records i could reconstruct the intended order of songs from the booklet or a still existing listing file. There was much more visual artwork but that seems to be lost.

I hereby release all of it under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license. The non-commercial part comes from the fact that i never earned money with it (although i tried) so why should you? But, don't hesitate to play it in a club and earn a fee, i'm not a nazi.

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Still in school, heavily in love, lost the girl, went back home and made this album.


Based on the novels by Wolfgang Hohlbein Die Töchter des Drachen and Der Thron der Libelle. Hohlbein is not a particular good writer but his stories can be overwhelming and the writing style is not important for a 15 years old.

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Still in school, still sad about the girl(s). Mate Galic was promoting experimental music on german TV music station VIVA II and i was increasingly sucked in.

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I can't really tell the order of all the albums any more and i long since lost the file's modification timestamps. It's possible though, that this album was the beginning of my new life after all that broken heart shit.

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At that time, every album had at least one song called fuck prodigy. I liked them a lot and bringing the Jilted Generation CD to whoever's home usually resulted in gosh, turn it off!... Until they released Firestarter, which was a fantastic song, the first 50 times but it was certainly overplayed on MTV. Now everybody was asking about that damn Prodigy CD and i was not really interested anymore. Instead i tried hard at home, with the little Scream Tracker, to create better music and get over with the prodigy era.


A lot of drum & base to my dear friends in Forst

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There was an old cinema in my home town which closed in the early 90ies. It was still nice to read its sign and because we did used a lot of psychedelics at the time, filmtheater was kind of a synonym for enjoying the inner and outer universe.

After a couple of years of intensive tracking the quality of the songs became a lot better even though it was the same program with the same absurd memory limitations.

The 4th remix album in a row ;)

At that time various people knew my tracks and i sometimes played in clubs, carrying ye olde 386 and a cathode ray monitor to the dance floor.

In the beginning i was very much against monotonic basedrum music. That changed.

Hoast was some spiritual entity to which contact was reached through LSD and the like. My friend and i were talking endlessly about these topics. Though, nothing particular comes to my mind twenty years after..

The first tape had this terrible "mariujahna" spelling on the cover and, after a hint, the next tapes had I was already informed about the mis-spelling of mariujahna on it.

The TRASH folders stored songs that did not fit to the current project, or were plainly just the xth remix of something else. Over time, a couple of stuff landed there. No way to put it in chronological order any more.