This is the Angular2 version of AdminLTE -- is a fully responsive admin template. Based on Bootstrap 3 framework. Highly customizable and easy to use. Fits many screen resolutions from small mobile devices to large desktops. Check out the live preview now and see for yourself.
Download & Preview AndminLTE on Almsaeed Studio
- Fork the repository (here is the guide).
- Clone to your machine
git clone
- Install Angular 2 Client.
npm install -g angular-cli
- On the folder project
ng serve
- Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
- IE 9+
- Firefox (latest)
- Chrome (latest)
- Safari (latest)
- Opera (latest)
Contribution are always welcome and recommended! Here is how:
- Fork the repository (here is the guide).
- Clone to your machine
git clone
- Make your changes
- Create a pull request
- Contributions are only accepted through Github pull requests.
- Finally, contributed code must work in all supported browsers (see above for browser support).
Angular2-AdminLTE is an open source project by that is licensed under MIT.