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Coroutines profiler

kotlinx.coroutines profiler is a sampling profiler which captures all living coroutines, their states, suspension points, threads.


  • core module contains profiler, its runner (java agent) and dumps to file writer.
  • show module displays profiler dumps via webpage.

Needed dependencies

Profiler depends on modified kotlinx.coroutines.core and kotlinx.coroutines.debug libs. Their fork.

To achieve patched version of coroutines packages jars:

  1. go to profiler branch: git checkout profiler
  2. build and push core module to mavenLocal repo:
    gradle :kotlinx-coroutines-core:publishToMavenLocal
  3. build and push debug module to mavenLocal repo:
    gradle :kotlinx-coroutines-debug:publishToMavenLocal

How to run?

  1. Build core module: gradle :core:fatJar
  2. Attach profiler's JAR (at core/out/artifacts/profiler/profiler.jar) to your application as agent via jvm args: -javaagent:PATH_TO_PROFILER_JAR=PROFILER_ARGS

Or you can run profiler on sample-app via gradle :sample-app:runWithProfiler

Profiler CLI arguments

  • Directory to output file: -o OUTPUT_DIR. Profiling results will be written at OUTPUT_DIR/coroprof.json. Also, dump probes and coroutines structure will be written at the same directory: OUTPUT_DIR/coroprof_probes.json and OUTPUT_DIR/coroprof_struct.json
  • Dumps interval in milliseconds: -i INT_VALUE
  • Collect internal statistics of profiling: -s


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