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An HTML table generator for laravel collections

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An HTML table generator for laravel collections



Include the package in composer.json:

"stevebauman/eloquenttable": "dev-master"

Now perform a composer dump-autoload.

Include the service provider in your app.php config file:

* Replace the current Pagination Service Provider if you use Pagination on
* your models

Insert the trait on your model:

class Book extends Eloquent {

    use \Stevebauman\EloquentTable\TableTrait;

    protected $table = 'books';


You're good to go!


Grab records from your model like usual:

$books = Books::get();

return view('books.index', compact('books'));

Inside your blade view, we just specify the columns we want to show, and then call the render method:

{{ $books->columns(array(
            'id' => 'ID',
            'title' => 'Title',
            'author' => 'Authored By'

#####Handling relationship values using means($column, $relationship):

{{ $books->columns(array(
            'id' => 'ID',
            'title' => 'Title',
            'author' => 'Authored By',
            'owned_by' => 'Owned By',
        ->means('owned_by', 'user.first_name')

The model books, needs to have a user method defining it's relation for this to work.

You must also use 'dot' notation to indicate the relationship.

#####Customizing the display of the column value using modify($column, $closure):

{{ $books->columns(array(
            'id' => 'ID',
            'title' => 'Title',
            'author' => 'Authored By',
            'owned_by' => 'Owned By',
        ->means('owned_by', 'user')
        ->modify('owned_by', function($user, $book) {
            return $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name;

Using modify, we can specify the column we want to modify, and the function will return the current relationship record (if the column is a relationship), as well as the current base record, in this case the book.

#####With eloquent-table, we can also generate sortable links for columns easily:

In your controller:

$books = Book::sort(Input::get('field'), Input::get('sort'))->get();

In your view:

{{ $books->columns(array(
            'id' => 'ID',
            'title' => 'Title',
            'author' => 'Authored By',
            'owned_by' => 'Owned By',
        ->sortable(array('id', 'title'))

A link will be generated inside the column header that will be clickable. The HTML generated will look like:

<a class="link-sort" href=";sort=desc">
    ID <i class="fa fa-sort"></i>

#####What about if we want to combine this all together, with pagination and sorting? Easy:

In your controller:

$books = Book::sort(Input::get('field'), Input::get('sort'))->paginate(25);

return view('books.index', compact('books'));

In your view:

{{ $books->columns(array(
            'id' => 'ID',
            'title' => 'Title',
            'author' => 'Authored By',
            'owned_by' => 'Owned By',
            'publisher' => 'Publisher',
        ->means('owned_by', 'user')
        ->modify('owned_by', function($user, $book) {
            return $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name;
        ->means('publisher', 'publisher')
        ->modify('publisher', function($publisher, $book) {
            return 'The publisher of this book: '. $publisher->name;
        ->sortable(array('id', 'title'))

#####What if I want to generate a table for a relationship?:

In your controller:

$book = Book::with('authors')->find(1);

return view('', compact('book'));

In this case, the book is going to have many authors (hasMany relationship)

In your view:

{{ $book->authors->columns(
        'id' => 'ID',
        'name' => 'Name',
        'books' => 'Total # of Books'
    ->means('books', 'num_of_books')

Keep in mind, we cannot paginate the table, or provide sortable columns on relationships. If you need this, grab it separately:

In your controller:

$book = Book::find(1);

$authors = Authors::where('book_id', $book->id)->paginate(25);

return view('', array(
    'book' => $book,
    'authors' => $authors,

In your view:

        'name' => 'Name',

#####Customizing table attributes using attributes($attributes = array())

        'name' => 'Name',
        'id' => 'table-1',
        'class' => 'table table-striped table-bordered',


Relationship sorting


An HTML table generator for laravel collections






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