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Releases: deajan/smartmontools-win


11 Apr 08:39
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This release mainly adds new features for smartd configuration.
It also includes long awaited fixes for earlier pyngui release (especially the infamous unicode bug that happened with Python 3.4).

frozen Pyngui

25 Apr 08:36
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This is a major release with following highlights:

  • Python rewrite of the GUI allowing to configure smartd and erroractions after install
  • Simplify command-line options for unattended installations
  • Improved erroraction script and log output
  • Updated upstream release to v6.5-1
  • Installer now uses 64 bit binaries on 64 bit systems (following upstream)
  • Updated mailsend to v1.19
  • Simplified upgrade path
  • Multiple fixes

For details, see changelog file.

frozen Pyngui RC3

19 Apr 07:27
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frozen Pyngui RC3 Pre-release

Yet another quick fix release that corrects an low severity issue with the erroraction script returning an error when there shouldn't be one.

frozen Pyngui RC2

15 Apr 16:54
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frozen Pyngui RC2 Pre-release

Another small bugfix release which main goal is to fix a bug introduced with the erroraction script preflight checks.
Also, adds optional anonymous installation statistics.

frozen Pyngui RC1

12 Apr 12:31
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frozen Pyngui RC1 Pre-release

This is a small bugfix release for the eldery beta containing the following fixes:

  • Revamps some of the alert GUI UX
  • Some fixes in alert management script (preflight check, better debugging)
  • Unattended mail/local alert selection support
  • Adds missing MSVCR100.dll to python binary folder

frozen Pyngui beta

11 Nov 22:24
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frozen Pyngui beta Pre-release

This is a major rewrite release

Most of the installer logic has been removed from Inno Setup and two independant GUI programs have been added:

  • smartd-pyngui: cross platform smart service control GUI
  • erroraction_config: smartmontools-win specific mail / local alert GUI

The unattended mass install syntax is GREATLY simplified, and allows preconfiguration by putting smartd.conf and erroraction_config.cmd files in the same path as the installer.

Translation fixing only release

06 Apr 13:54
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Probably last release before going with Python config interface