Small utility made for a friend, to grab images from a webcam off the web at a specific interval and convert these into a time-laspe video.
- Grab preview image at given intervals
- Detect and skip similar images
- Detect and skip dark images
- Honour daylight time using
- Script to convert all images to video
This shell script grabs an image from an URL using wget at regular intervals. Most webcam accessible through a webpage has an url for a preview that is updated regularly, this is what is downloaded using this script.
usage: [-h] [-l, --light LIGHT_PERCENT]
[-d, --daylight DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT]
interval url target_dir
positional arguments:
interval Interval betewwn grabs, in secends
url URL of the image
target_dir Target directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --light LIGHT_PERCENT
Image are discarded below this B/W light level in
-d, --daylight DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT
Longetude and latitude to only grab during
astronomical daylight hours
Convert all jpeg images in current directory to video. fps extension output_filename
- fps: FPS of the video
- extension: Input image extension
- output_filename: Output video file name
- Pillow
- BeautifulSoup
As root do:
apt-get install python3-bs4 python3-pil
- mencoder
As root do:
apt-get install mencoder