Run npm install @dct-lulu/motion-canvas-highlighted-text-component
in your motion canvas project
Then import the component in your scene like so:
import { HighlightedTxt } from '@dct-lulu/motion-canvas-highlighted-text-component';
Here are some examples demonstrating the usage of the component:
To create a basic highlighted text component, use the following code:
view.add(<HighlightedTxt text={"Bloop"} fontSize={50} fill={"#f5555f"} fontFamily='JetBrains Mono'/>);
If you prefer the highlight to have square corners, you can set the roundedCorners prop to false:
view.add(<HighlightedTxt text={"Doodle"} fontSize={50} fill={"#f5555f"} fontFamily='JetBrains Mono' roundedCorners={false}/>);
Instead of a full highlight, you can opt for an outline:
view.add(<HighlightedTxt text={"Wobble"} fontSize={50} fill={"#f5555f"} fontFamily='JetBrains Mono' outlined={true}/>);
For a combination of square corners and an outline, use the following code:
view.add(<HighlightedTxt text={"Noodle"} fontSize={50} fill={"#f5555f"} fontFamily='JetBrains Mono' roundedCorners={false} outlined={true}/>);
By default, the second fill color has less opacity and is the same as the first fill color But you can specify two different fill colors using the fill1 and fill2 props:
view.add(<HighlightedTxt text={"Gobble"} fontSize={50} fill={"#bbbf"} fontFamily='JetBrains Mono' fill2={"#88fbf5"}/>);
You can employ gradient filling by utilizing the following code snippets:
To begin, ensure that you import the following before executing the code:
import { Gradient } from '@motion-canvas/2d/lib/partials';
This will enable you to utilize gradient filling functionality in your project.
const gradient = new Gradient({
type: 'radial',
from: -50,
to: -100,
toRadius: 210,
stops: [
{offset: 0, color: '#f3303f'},
{offset: 0.6, color: '#FFC66D'},
{offset: 1, color: '#4aaaf1'},
view.add(<HighlightedTxt text={"Puddle"} fontSize={50} fill={gradient} fontFamily='JetBrains Mono'/>);