updated getPagination method on MsGraph.php
Changed getPagination() to return array containing only previous and next page numbers.
This method needs the data but also the total number of records, the limit ($top) and the offset ($skip)
$limit = 5;
$skip = request('next', 0);
$messageQueryParams = [
"\$orderby" => "displayName",
"\$count" => "true",
"\$skip" => $skip,
"\$top" => $limit,
$contacts = MsGraph::get('me/contacts?'.http_build_query($messageQueryParams));
$total = $contacts['@odata.count'] ?? 0;
$response = MsGraph::getPagination($contacts, $total, $limit, $skip);
$previous = $response['previous'];
$next = $response['next'];
The in a view the previous and next links can be displayed:
@if (request('next') > 0)
<a href='{{ url()->current().'?next='.$previous }}'>Previous Page</a>
@if ($next != 0)
<a href='{{ url()->current().'?next='.$next }}'>Next Page</a>