This Babel plugin allows you to remove .js
and .jsx
extensions from JavaScript import
If you too are using the Google Closure Compiler to transpile ES5 to ES6, you should have noticed that it requires you to leave off the .js
entension for modules. (Sources: Here). For instance,
$ java -jar closure-compiler-v20160822.jar --language_in=ECMASCRIPT6 --js main.js --language_out=ES5
import Mylib from './myLib.js' // Will throw "ERROR - namespace never provided"
import Mylib from './myLib' // Won't throw 🕶
$ npm install babel-plugin-remove-import-js-extension
import Mylib from './myLib.js'
import MyFancyComponent from './MyFancyComponent.jsx'
import Mylib from './myLib'
import MyFancyComponent from './MyFancyComponent'
"plugins": ["babel-plugin-remove-import-js-extension"]
$ babel --plugins babel-plugin-remove-import-js-extension script.js
require("babel-core").transform("code", {
plugins: ["babel-plugin-remove-import-js-extension"]