#mpr = object mapper
JavaScript/TypeScript library that maps a source object to a destination object.
consider in your Angular/Vue.js app you call a REST service which uses JSON and you need to convert the DTO into a instance of a class, you can map these 2 schema using this library.
Give it a whirl, it may just work for you.
- auto-mapping (requires registering of typeMeta)
- annotations (Decorators) support
- complete POJO support (alternative to annotations)
- support for es6 classes, es5, json and anon types.
- supports for arrays
- supports mapping complex types (no support for bi-directional)
- supports flattening and expanding source to destination
- supports deep copying, via auto-mapping
- mapping overriding via dsl (loosely based on Automapper from .NET)
- modular setup
- many places where default behavior can be overridden.
- update object instance within an array (using an id property)
lets say we have a Todo class, which we want to map to a Todo Dto.
install into your project
npm install @dboneslabs/mpr --save
the following is one way to detail your class, hopefully this way will remove a number of magic strings.
import { mapClass } from "@dboneslabs/mpr/annotations/map-class";
import { mapProperty } from "@dboneslabs/mpr/annotations/map-property";
import { Types } from "@dboneslabs/mpr/core/types";
//this is one way to inform mpr of your type structure
export class Todo {
//id's allows us to update an instance of an object within a list
id: string;
//we tell mpr which properties, it will figure out the type.
created: Date;
description: string;
//enums will be teated accordingly i.e. as numbers
priority: Priority
//this works out that we have a Person type.
//passing in a type
//informs to the mpr we have a string[].
comments: string[] = [];
note the Types class its a look up for all the of the box types (string, boolean, etc).
you can provide many setup classes, which detail all the types and mappings.
import { Setup } from "@dboneslabs/mpr/initializing/Setup";
import { Builder } from '@dboneslabs/mpr/initializing/builders/builder';
import { Types } from '@dboneslabs/mpr/core/types';
class MapSetup implements Setup {
configure(builder: Builder): void {
//register types, by registering the types mpr can automap
//note as we used annotations we can scan
//for the attributes/properties.
//this is an annon/json type, so we detail what it looks like
//note by detailing this mpr will know about the structure and be able setup any automappings
.addIdProperty("id", Types.string)
.addProperty("created", Types.date)
.addProperty("description", Types.string)
.addProperty("priority", Types.number)
.addProperty("comments", Types.AsArray(Types.string))
.addProperty("owner", "dto.person");
.addProperty("name", Types.string);
//register mappings, and use the dsl to override any automapping.
//here you can see mpr will automap comments, owner, priority
//and for the description and created properties it will do these provided actions.
builder.createMap<Todo, any>(Todo, "dto.todo")
.forMember("description", opts => opts.mapFrom(src => `desc: ${src.description}`))
.forMember("created", opts => opts.ignore());
//note this one uses conventions to auto map the properties by matching name.
builder.createMap("dto.todo", Todo);
//as we map the person we can now support deep object hierarchies.
builder.createMap(Person, "dto.person");
builder.createMap("dto.person", Person);
to create an instance of the mapper, you need to create it via the MapperFactory as follows
remember to reuse your mapper instance, its built that way.
import { MapperFactory } from "@dboneslabs/mpr/mapper-factory";
//use the factory, to setup your mappings
let mapperFactory = new MapperFactory();
mapperFactor.addSetup(new MapSetup()); //use your MapSetup class.
//create the mapper from the factory
let mapper = mapperFactor.createMapper();
its simple to use, all you need to do is pass it an instance and the desired types you want to populate.
//in this case the source is an anon/json instance
let source = {
id: "123",
created: new Date(2017, 9, 17),
description: "map a anon object to a known type",
priority: 2,
comments: [ "comment a", "comment b" ],
$type: "dto.todo",
owner: {
name: "dave",
$type: "dto.person"
//destination is an instance of the todo type, populated accordingly.
let destination = mapper.map(source, Todo);
destination will be a Todo object, meaning you have access to any methods which would be on the class instance.
{ //<Todo>
id: "123",
description: "map a anon object to a known type",
priority: Priority.high, // <Priority> enum
comments: [ "comment a", "comment b" ],
$type: "models.todo",
owner: { //<Person>
name: "dave",
$type: "models.person"