Expandible library with owner`s functions
Returns 1 if the given character is alphabetical
Returns 1 if the given character is a number
Returns 1 if the given character is alphabetical or a number
Returns 1 if the given character belongs to the ascii table
Returns 1 if the given character is printable (32 - 127 in the ascii table)
Returns the lenght of the given string (without the ending character)
Returns the given pointer, filling up to len positions with the given character
Returns the given pointer, filling up to len positions with null
Copies len bytes from src to dest
Copies len bytes from src to dest, controlling overlap
Copies up to size -1 bytes from src to dest
Copies src at the end of dest until dst has dstsize (or less)
Returns the uppercase of the given character (only if its a letter)
Returns the lowercase of the given character (only if its a letter)
Returns the position of the first occurency of the given character in the given string. If it doesn't exist it returns 0
Returns the position of the last occurency of the given character in the given string. If it doesn't exist it returns 0
Compares the given strings, if they are different, it returns the character difference (in ascii decimal), else, it returns 0
Returns the position of the first occurency of the given character in the given string up to n characters. If it doesn't exist it returns 0
Compares the given strings, if they are different, it returns the character difference (in ascii decimal) up to n characters, else, it returns 0
returns the position of the first needle character in haystack. If nee isn't inside hay, it returns 0
Changes a type string to a type integer
Allocates an array of size size*count and fills it with nulls
Copies the given string into a previously allocated memory space
Allocates and returns a substring of the given string, starting on the start position, up to len characters
Allocates and returns a string, concatenating the two given strings
Allocates and returns a string like s1, but deleting every occurency of the characters in set
Allocates and returns an array of strings, separating the given string, using the given character as a delimiter
Allocates an returns a string representing the given integer
Allocates and returns the given string, previously formated with the given function
Applies the given function to each character of the given string
Sends the given character to the given file descriptor
Sends the given string to the given file descriptor
Sends the "nextline" character to the given file descriptor
Sends the given number to the given file descriptor
Creates a new node, allocated with malloc, initializing it with the given parameter
Adds the given node to the beggining of the given list
Returns the size of the given list
Returns the last node of the given list
Adds the given node to the end of the given list
Deletes memory of the given node and frees the node
Deletes and frees the given node and all the next ones
Applies the given function to each node of the given list
Same as ft_lstiter, but creating a new list with the "new" nodes