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Entity Framework 6 Repository Pattern

David Breyer edited this page Apr 12, 2018 · 2 revisions


Entity Framework 6 Repository Pattern

Getting Started:

Implement the base repository

    public interface ISampleDataEntityRepository : IBaseRepository<YourCustomDataContext, SampleDataEntity>

    public class SampleDataEntityRepository : BaseRepository<YourCustomDataContext, SimpleDataEntity>, ISampleDataEntityRepository
        public SampleDataEntityRepository(IDatabaseFactory<YourCustomDataContext> dbFactory) : base(factory.GetNewDbContext())


        //This is where custom query stuff will go.

Creating unit tests with an in-memory database with NMemory and Effort.

    public class InMemoryDatabaseFactory : IDatabaseFactory<YourCustomDataContext>
        public YourCustomDataContext GetNewDbContext()
            var data = new ObjectData();

            data.Table<SimpleDataEntity>("SimpleDataEntities").Add(new SimpleDataEntity { Id = 1, Name = "Test 1" });
            data.Table<SimpleDataEntity>("SimpleDataEntities").Add(new SimpleDataEntity { Id = 2, Name = "Test 2" });
            data.Table<SimpleDataEntity>("SimpleDataEntities").Add(new SimpleDataEntity { Id = 3, Name = "Test 3" });
            data.Table<SimpleDataEntity>("SimpleDataEntities").Add(new SimpleDataEntity { Id = 4, Name = "Test 4" });
            data.Table<SimpleDataEntity>("SimpleDataEntities").Add(new SimpleDataEntity { Id = 5, Name = "Test 5" });

            var dataLoader = new ObjectDataLoader(data);

            var connection = Effort.DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient(dataLoader);

            var _context = new YourCustomDataContext(connection);

            return _context;
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