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Build status


A buildkite plugin to commit and push results of command(s) to a remote git repository


Add the following to your pipeline.yml:

  - command: task generate
      - datumforge/git-commit#v1.0.1: ~

The default options commit all changed/added files to $BUILDKITE_BRANCH and pushes to origin.

An example with fully customized options:

  - command: task generate
      - datumforge/git-commit#v1.0.1:
          add: app/
          branch: mitb
          create-branch: true
          ssh-sign: true
          message: "Task generate output"
          remote: upstream
            name: bender-rodriguez
            email: [email protected]


add (optional, defaults to .)

A pathspec that will be passed to git add -A to add changed files.

branch (optional, defaults to $BUILDKITE_BRANCH)

The branch where changes will be committed. Since Buildkite runs builds in a detached HEAD state, this plugin will fetch and checkout the given branch prior to committing. Unless we're creating a new branch. See create-branch

create-branch (optional, defaults to false)

When set to true the branch will be created, rather than fetched from the remote

message (optional, defaults to Build #${BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER})

The commit message

remote (optional, defaults to origin)

The git remote where changes will be pushed (optional)

If given, will configure the git user email for the repo (optional)

If given, will configure the git user name for the repo

https (optional)

If set to true, commits will be pushed over https instead of ssh. The configuration and GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable must also be set.

ssh-sign (optional)

If set to true, commits will include the --signoff flag to sign commits with the ssh key

gpg-sign (optional)

If set to true, commits will include the --gpg-sign flag to sign commits with the gpg key


Requires taskfile - task lint and task test to validate updates to the plugin