United States of America Education budget to GDP analysis
Data comes from Office of Management and Budget, President’s Budget from white house official website on https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/whitehouse.gov/files/omb/budget/fy2018/hist05z2.xls
It consists of useful information about BUDGET AUTHORITY BY AGENCY in the range 1976–2022.
Gross Domestic Value(GDP) comes from DataHub http://datahub.io/core/gdp/r/gdp.csv since it is regularly updated and includes all country codes.
Note that data in data/budget.csv
starting 2017, the value is estimate value
There are several steps have been done to get final data.
- We extracted budget and gdp data separately
- We merged and added new column
which is calculated byeducation expenditure / GDP
Process is recorded and automated in python script:
# to get final data.csv
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