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ConvertTo-DbaDataTable handle Dataplat.Dbatools.Utility.DbaDateTime as an array #9361

merged 5 commits into from
May 22, 2024


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Type of Change

  • Bug fix (non-breaking change, fixes test-dbalastbackup dates of backup files outputs Dataplat.Dbatools.Utility.DbaDateTime[]  #9337
  • New feature (non-breaking change, adds functionality, fixes # )
  • Breaking change (affects multiple commands or functionality, fixes # )
  • Ran manual Pester test and has passed (.\tests\manual.pester.ps1)
  • Adding code coverage to existing functionality
  • Pester test is included
  • If new file reference added for test, has is been added to ?
  • Unit test is included
  • Documentation
  • Build system

Commands to test

Import-Module ./dbatools.psd1 -force
$cred = Get-Credential sqladmin
$inst = Connect-DbaInstance -SqlInstance localhost -SqlCredential $cred
$Results = Test-DbaLastBackup -SqlInstance $inst -Destination $inst -EnableException 
$test = ConvertTo-DbaDataTable -InputObject $Results

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Fascinated how this test is passing because this test fails as I expect it to on my local machine

$innedobj = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
        Mission = 'Keep Hank alive'

    Add-Member -Force -InputObject $obj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name myobject -Value $innedobj

The above sets myObject to a value (note that name should be camelCasing 😜) so this test is either false or we shouldn't be setting it to a value at all and just creating the property?

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wsmelton commented May 20, 2024

Just a few notes on this test as a whole, not something you must change unless you just want to include it in this PR...

  • checking if a column name is on the object should use -Contains in Pester
  • If you want to check if a given property is of a particular type use -BeOfType

_The last item is also being done twice in this test for some reason, contexts Property: dbadatetimeArray and Property: myObject are both testing that object. Maybe remove one of them if it is really duplicate?

All of this just makes the test a bit easier to read. A version with the above changes is attached if you want to compare it all in VS Code more easily:

$CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "")
Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandPath" -ForegroundColor Cyan
. "$PSScriptRoot\constants.ps1"

Describe "$CommandName Unit Tests" -Tag 'UnitTests' {
    Context "Validate parameters" {
        [object[]]$params = (Get-Command $CommandName).Parameters.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -notin ('WhatIf', 'Confirm')}
        [object[]]$knownParameters = 'InputObject', 'TimeSpanType', 'SizeType', 'IgnoreNull', 'Raw', 'EnableException'
        $knownParameters += [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters
        It "Should only contain our specific parameters" {
            (@(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject ($knownParameters | Where-Object {$_}) -DifferenceObject $params).Count ) | Should Be 0

Describe "Testing data table output when using a complex object" {
    $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
        guid             = [system.guid]'32ccd4c4-282a-4c0d-997c-7b5deb97f9e0'
        timespan         = New-TimeSpan -Start 2016-10-30 -End 2017-04-30
        datetime         = Get-Date -Year 2016 -Month 10 -Day 30 -Hour 5 -Minute 52 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0
        char             = [System.Char]'T'
        true             = $true
        false            = $false
        null             = [bool]$null
        string           = "it's a boy."
        UInt64           = [System.UInt64]123456
        dbadatetime      = [dbadatetime[]]$(Get-Date -Year 2024 -Month 05 -Day 19 -Hour 5 -Minute 52 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0)
        dbadatetimeArray = [dbadatetime[]]($(Get-Date -Year 2024 -Month 05 -Day 19 -Hour 5 -Minute 52 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0), $(Get-Date -Year 2024 -Month 05 -Day 19 -Hour 5 -Minute 52 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0).AddHours(1))

    $innedobj = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
        Mission = 'Keep Hank alive'

    Add-Member -Force -InputObject $obj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name myObject -Value $innedobj
    $result = ConvertTo-DbaDataTable -InputObject $obj

    Context "Property: guid" {
        It 'Has a column called "guid"' {
            $result.Columns.ColumnName | Should -Contain 'guid'
        It 'Has a [guid] data type on the column "guid"' {
            $result.Columns | Where-Object -Property 'ColumnName' -eq 'guid' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'DataType' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Should Be 'guid'
        It 'Has the following guid: "32ccd4c4-282a-4c0d-997c-7b5deb97f9e0"' {
            $result.guid | Should Be '32ccd4c4-282a-4c0d-997c-7b5deb97f9e0'

    Context "Property: timespan" {
        It 'Has a column called "timespan"' {
            $result.Columns.ColumnName | Should -Contain 'timespan'
        It 'Has a [long] data type on the column "timespan"' {
            $result.Columns | Where-Object -Property 'ColumnName' -eq 'timespan' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'DataType' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Should Be 'Int64'
        It "Has the following timespan: 15724800000" {
            $result.timespan | Should Be 15724800000

    Context "Property: datetime" {
        It 'Has a column called "datetime"' {
            $result.Columns.ColumnName| Should -Contain 'datetime'
        It 'Has a [datetime] data type on the column "datetime"' {
            $result.Columns | Where-Object -Property 'ColumnName' -eq 'datetime' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'DataType' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Should Be 'datetime'
        It "Has the following datetime: 2016-10-30 05:52:00.000" {
            $date = Get-Date -Year 2016 -Month 10 -Day 30 -Hour 5 -Minute 52 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0
            $result.datetime -eq $date | Should Be $true

    Context "Property: char" {
        It 'Has a column called "char"' {
            $result.Columns.ColumnName | Should -Contain 'char'
        It 'Has a [char] data type on the column "char"' {
            $result.Columns | Where-Object -Property 'ColumnName' -eq 'char' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'DataType' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Should Be 'char'
        It "Has the following char: T" {
            $result.char | Should Be "T"

    Context "Property: true" {
        It 'Has a column called "true"' {
            $result.Columns.ColumnName | Should -Contain 'true'
        It 'Has a [bool] data type on the column "true"' {
            $result.Columns | Where-Object -Property 'ColumnName' -eq 'true' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'DataType' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Should Be 'boolean'
        It "Has the following bool: true" {
            $result.true | Should Be $true

    Context "Property: false" {
        It 'Has a column called "false"' {
            $result.Columns.ColumnName | Should -Contain 'false'
        It 'Has a [bool] data type on the column "false"' {
            $result.Columns | Where-Object -Property 'ColumnName' -eq 'false' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'DataType' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Should Be 'boolean'
        It "Has the following bool: false" {
            $result.false | Should Be $false

    Context "Property: null" {
        It 'Has a column called "null"' {
            $result.Columns.ColumnName | Should -Contain 'null'
        It 'Has a [bool] data type on the column "null"' {
            $result.Columns | Where-Object -Property 'ColumnName' -eq 'null' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'DataType' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Should Be 'boolean'
        It "Has the following bool: false" {
            $result.null | Should Be $false #should actually be $null but its hard to compare :)

    Context "Property: string" {
        It 'Has a column called "string"' {
            $result.Columns.ColumnName | Should -Contain 'string'
        It 'Has a [string] data type on the column "string"' {
            $result.Columns | Where-Object -Property 'ColumnName' -eq 'string' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'DataType' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Should Be 'string'
        It "Has the following string: it's a boy." {
            $result.string | Should Be "it's a boy."

    Context "Property: UInt64" {
        It 'Has a column called "UInt64"' {
            $result.Columns.ColumnName | Should -Contain 'UInt64'
        It 'Has a [UInt64] data type on the column "UInt64"' {
            $result.Columns | Where-Object -Property 'ColumnName' -eq 'UInt64' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'DataType' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Should Be 'UInt64'
        It "Has the following number: 123456" {
            $result.UInt64 | Should Be 123456

    Context "Property: myObject" {
        It 'Has a column called "myObject"' {
            $result.Columns.ColumnName | Should -Contain 'myObject'
        It 'Has a [string] data type on the column "myObject"' {
            $result.myObject | Should -BeOfType [System.String]
        It "Has no value" {
            # not sure if this is a feature. Should probably be changed in the future
            $result.myObject.GetType().FullName | Should Be "System.DBNull"

    Context "Property: dbadatetime" {
        It 'Has a column called "dbadatetime"' {
            $result.Columns.ColumnName | Should -Contain 'dbadatetime'
        It 'Has a [dbadatetime] data type on the column "myObject"' {
            $result.Columns | Where-Object -Property 'ColumnName' -eq 'dbadatetime' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'DataType' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Should Be 'string'
        It "Has the following dbadatetime: 2024-05-19 05:52:00.000" {
            $date = Get-Date -Year 2024 -Month 5 -Day 19 -Hour 5 -Minute 52 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0
            [datetime]$result.dbadatetime -eq $date | Should Be $true

    Context "Property: dbadatetimeArray" {
        It 'Has a column called "myObject"' {
            $result.Columns.ColumnName | Should -Contain 'myObject'
        It 'Has a [string] data type on the column "myObject"' {
            $result.myObject | Should -BeOfType [System.String]
        It "Has the following dbadatetimes converted to strings: 2024-05-19 05:52:00.000, 2024-05-19 06:52:00.000" {
            $string = '2024-05-19 05:52:00.000, 2024-05-19 06:52:00.000'
            $result.dbadatetimeArray -eq $string | Should Be $true


Describe "Testing input parameters" {
    $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
        timespan = New-TimeSpan -Start 2017-01-01 -End 2017-01-02

    Context "Verifying TimeSpanType" {
        It "Should return '1.00:00:00' when String is used" {
            (ConvertTo-DbaDataTable -InputObject $obj -TimeSpanType String).Timespan | Should Be '1.00:00:00'
        It "Should return 864000000000 when Ticks is used" {
            (ConvertTo-DbaDataTable -InputObject $obj -TimeSpanType Ticks).Timespan | Should Be 864000000000
        It "Should return 1 when TotalDays is used" {
            (ConvertTo-DbaDataTable -InputObject $obj -TimeSpanType TotalDays).Timespan | Should Be 1
        It "Should return 24 when TotalHours is used" {
            (ConvertTo-DbaDataTable -InputObject $obj -TimeSpanType TotalHours).Timespan | Should Be 24
        It "Should return 86400000 when TotalMilliseconds is used" {
            (ConvertTo-DbaDataTable -InputObject $obj -TimeSpanType TotalMilliseconds).Timespan | Should Be 86400000
        It "Should return 1440 when TotalMinutes is used" {
            (ConvertTo-DbaDataTable -InputObject $obj -TimeSpanType TotalMinutes).Timespan | Should Be 1440
        It "Should return 86400 when TotalSeconds is used" {
            (ConvertTo-DbaDataTable -InputObject $obj -TimeSpanType TotalSeconds).Timespan | Should Be 86400

    Context "Verifying IgnoreNull" {
        # To be able to force null
        function returnnull {
            param ()
            New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ Name = [int]1 }
            New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ Name = [int]3 }

        function returnOnlynull {
            param ()

        It "Does not create row if null is in array when IgnoreNull is set" {
            $result = ConvertTo-DbaDataTable -InputObject (returnnull) -IgnoreNull -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
            $result.Rows.Count | Should Be 2

        It "Does not create row if null is in pipeline when IgnoreNull is set" {
            $result = returnnull | ConvertTo-DbaDataTable -IgnoreNull -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
            $result.Rows.Count | Should Be 2

        It "Returns empty row when null value is provided (without IgnoreNull)" {
            $result = ConvertTo-DbaDataTable -InputObject (returnnull)
            $result.Name[0] | Should Be 1
            $result.Name[1].GetType().FullName | Should Be 'System.DBNull'
            $result.Name[2] | Should Be 3

        It "Returns empty row when null value is passed in pipe (without IgnoreNull)" {
            $result = returnnull | ConvertTo-DbaDataTable
            $result.Name[0] | Should Be 1
            $result.Name[1].GetType().FullName | Should Be 'System.DBNull'
            $result.Name[2] | Should Be 3

    Context "Verifying Silent" {
        # To be able to force null
        function returnnull {
            New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ Name = 1 }
            New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ Name = 3 }

        It "Suppresses warning messages when Silent is used" {
            $null = ConvertTo-DbaDataTable -InputObject (returnnull) -IgnoreNull -EnableException -WarningVariable warn -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
            $warn.message -eq $null | Should Be $true

    Context "Verifying script properties returning null" {

        It "Returns string column if a script property returns null" {
            $myobj = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ Name = 'Test' }
            $myobj | Add-Member -Force -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ScriptNothing -Value { $null }
            $r = ConvertTo-DbaDataTable -InputObject $myobj
            ($r.Columns | Where-Object ColumnName -eq ScriptNothing | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DataType).ToString() | Should Be 'System.String'


    Context "Verifying a datatable gets cloned when passed in" {
        $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
            col1 = 'col1'
            col2 = 'col2'
        $first = $obj | ConvertTo-DbaDataTable
        $second = $first | ConvertTo-DbaDataTable
        It "Should have the same columns" {
            # does not add ugly RowError,RowState Table, ItemArray, HasErrors
            $firstColumns = ($first.Columns.ColumnName | Sort-Object) -Join ','
            $secondColumns = ($second.Columns.ColumnName | Sort-Object) -Join ','
            $firstColumns | Should -Be $secondColumns

@wsmelton wsmelton changed the title Fixing #9337 ConvertTo-DbaDataTable handle Dataplat.Dbatools.Utility.DbaDateTime as an array May 20, 2024
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Fascinated how this test is passing because this test fails as I expect it to on my local machine

Ok I wondered how this was working because it wasn't working for me locally either - I've changed this to make sense (in my mind) and also updated the null one

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oh sweet, we ready? thank you so much! i cant publish till i get home bc of the hardware key but happy to prep with a merge.

@potatoqualitee potatoqualitee merged commit 3470250 into development May 22, 2024
10 checks passed
@potatoqualitee potatoqualitee deleted the convertTable branch May 22, 2024 10:04
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re-read and indeed. thanks again 🙇🏼

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okay that's weird, we have a test that passed but then when it merged, it failed?

Describe : Testing data table output when using a complex object
Context  : Property: myObject
Name     : It Has a [string] data type on the column "myObject"
Result   : Failed
Message  : Expected the value to have type [string] or any of its subtypes, but got  with type [System.DBNull].

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I skipped it in dev since its causing all of our branches to fail

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Hey @potatoqualitee - I'm in Lisbon to see Taylor swift tonight 😂 but I'll take a look at this! It did pass locally and on the branch before merge 🤔

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HEYYY enjoy taylor swift!!! we can look at this later 😊

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jpomfret commented Jun 2, 2024


I created a new branch off develoment and removed the -skip the tests ran fine 🤔 - also testing locally and it runs fine too.

Is it worth uncommenting in development and seeing what happens? If not we can maybe troubleshoot and fix forward?

Honestly it's kind of a weird test anyway - we already test string values get converted ok - so I'm not sure what this is adding.

    Context "Property: myObject" {
        It 'Has a column called "myObject"' {
            $result.Columns.ColumnName | Should -Contain 'myObject'
        It 'Has a [string] data type on the column "myObject"' {
            $result.myObject | Should -BeOfType [System.String]

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test-dbalastbackup dates of backup files outputs Dataplat.Dbatools.Utility.DbaDateTime[]
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