CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) time-series dataset including daily open, close, high and low. The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) is a key measure of market expectations of near-term volatility conveyed by S&P 500 stock index option prices introduced in 1993.
<FrictionlessView viewId={0} />
<FrictionlessView fullWidth viewId={0} />
<Table url="data/vix-daily.csv" />
<Table fullWidth url="data/vix-daily.csv" />
<VegaLite data={ { "table": [ { "y": -0.418, "x": 1850 }, { "y": 0.923, "x": 2020 } ] } } spec={ { "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.json", "width": "container", "mark": "bar", "data": { "name": "table" }, "encoding": { "x": { "field": "x", "type": "ordinal" }, "y": { "field": "y", "type": "quantitative" } } } } />
<VegaLite data={ { "table": [ { "y": -0.418, "x": 1850 }, { "y": 0.923, "x": 2020 } ] } } spec={ { "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.json", "width": "container", "mark": "bar", "data": { "name": "table" }, "encoding": { "x": { "field": "x", "type": "ordinal" }, "y": { "field": "y", "type": "quantitative" } } } } />
<VegaLite fullWidth data={ { "table": [ { "y": -0.418, "x": 1850 }, { "y": 0.923, "x": 2020 } ] } } spec={ { "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.json", "width": "container", "mark": "bar", "data": { "name": "table" }, "encoding": { "x": { "field": "x", "type": "ordinal" }, "y": { "field": "y", "type": "quantitative" } } } } />
<VegaLite fullWidth data={ { "table": [ { "y": -0.418, "x": 1850 }, { "y": 0.923, "x": 2020 } ] } } spec={ { "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.json", "width": "container", "mark": "bar", "data": { "name": "table" }, "encoding": { "x": { "field": "x", "type": "ordinal" }, "y": { "field": "y", "type": "quantitative" } } } } />
<LineChart data={
<LineChart data={ [ ["1850",-0.41765878], ["1851",-0.2333498], ["1852",-0.22939907], ["1853",-0.27035445], ["1854",-0.29163003] ] } />
<LineChart fullWidth data={
<LineChart fullWidth data={ [ ["1850",-0.41765878], ["1851",-0.2333498], ["1852",-0.22939907], ["1853",-0.27035445], ["1854",-0.29163003] ] } />
<Image src="https://i0.wp.com/abglt.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/wallpaper-pc1-scaled-1.jpg?fit=2560%2C1440&ssl=1" />
<Image fullWidth src="https://i0.wp.com/abglt.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/wallpaper-pc1-scaled-1.jpg?fit=2560%2C1440&ssl=1" />