A small bot for my Discord Server Yu'anang (a small community from StarCitizen player).
He use somes slash command to do his best automation.
See official doc here.
This bot need a .env
file, who need to have "token=token-id" to work.
All files in the var_prod
folder need to be filed with correct id or data to ensure the bot is running fine.
ya-prod-discord.py is "production" product. ya-dev-discord.py is "developpement" product. When I try new fuction, I do in dev with a test discord server and make test. If it run good, I copy code in prod.
- cmd to start with log:
nohup python3 ya-prod-discord.py 1>ya-prod-discord-log.out 2>ya-prod-discord-log.err &
- cmd to update git:
git add . && git commit -m "cause" && git push origin
- Visual Studio Code - Used for the Code.
- Discord.py - Used convert python to Discord API and more.