These are my personal dotfiles I use every day. In the folder .old-dotfiles
you can see my old dotfiles. If you find something interesting, go ahead and
take whatever you want. Currently my dotfiles are only for macOS.
First of all you need yadm, this can be installed on macOS via homebrew.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install yadm
sudo apt-get install yadm
Clone dotfiles with yadm
yadm clone
brew bundle install --file=.Brewfile
Submodules are tracked in .gitmodules.
Init submodules:
yadm submodule init
Update submodules:
yadm submodule update
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
⚠️ If this doesn't work go to the official oh-my-zsh and look up the newest install command.
Decrypt all gpg and ssh keys
yadm decrypt
After decrypting all the files you will need to import the keys/ownertrust.
gpg --import "$HOME/.gnupg/.exported-keyring"/*.asc
gpg --import-ownertrust "$HOME/.gnupg/.exported-keyring"/ownertrust.txt