This is a quick-start application that you can re-use to build your own app for Pipedrive's Marketplace.
It already handles the OAuth flow for you.
Users can login with Pipedrive, using the Laravel Socialite plugin.
In all controllers you have access to an instance of this PHP Client Library, ready to use.
You should already have a Pipedrive Sandbox account and a draft app created. If you don't, please do that first.
Clone the repository
git clone
cd into the folder and run
composer install
rename .env.example to .env, and generate a key using
php artisan key:generate
Open .env and add the information about your application, database and the following parameters:
Create the database tables running:
php artisan migrate
User authentication is already taken care of, and you can access an instance of the client library in any controller simply using:
$pipedrive = app()->make('\Devio\Pipedrive\Pipedrive');
To know how to use the library, read the official documentation. Please note that you won't need to handle the instantiation because it's already done for you.
You can read Laravel's Documentation for more information.
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