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Releases: daniel-stoneuk/material-about-library


13 Jul 10:47
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3.2.0-rc01 Pre-release
  • RecycledViewPool is now used to improve performance in longer lists

  • Change back to old style of card with elevation and no outline with .outline(false) on your card builder.

Thanks @marcardar for pointing out that the old style might be preferred in #105

Release 3.1.2

16 Apr 13:06
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  • Removed NoActionBar themes and re-added secondary text colour.

  • Reintroduced fragment methods that were accidentally made private.

Release 3.0.0

13 Apr 13:05
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Been a while since the last update to the library - will keep it maintained from now on.

Breaking changes in this update - please see the migration guide.

  • Update all libraries to use MaterialComponents
  • Remove mal themes
  • Update card design

Release 2.4.2 - AndroidX and Custom Adapters

24 Oct 18:35
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This release has migrated the codebase over to AndroidX, since the Android Support Library has received its last major feature release.

In addition to this, I have added support for custom adapters - see the demo.

Release 2.3.0 - BREAKING Design Change & Support Library 27.1.1

15 Apr 13:18
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In this release, we have addressed the issue of the ActionItem and TitleItem text from being misaligned. (#79)

Since the design of the default items has changed, please note that this update contains breaking changes. If you have created your own custom items to use alongside the defaults, make sure that they still look good and check their alignment with the new design. The photo below is a comparison between the old layout and new layout. There was some discussion in issue #79 in which @code-schreiber and I decided that the 'new' layout is more aesthetically pleasing.


In addition to this, I would like to thank @code-schreiber again for updating translations in the library and tidying up the readme.

Finally, the bundled version of the support library has been updated to 27.1.1 which fixes some Fragment Transactions that you might have encountered on the previous version. (AOSP Issue 74051124)

Release 2.2.5 - Optimisations with Support Library 27.1.0

04 Mar 17:37
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Used AsyncListDiffer to optimise the process of updating lists.

Release 2.2.4 - Optimised Dynamic Items

21 Feb 17:37
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Lots of new breaking stuff in this release. If you're using custom items, there are a few more methods you need to override:

  • clone() to create a new object with the same details
  • getDetailString() - basically like toString but without the id field.

Thanks to @Robyer & @code-schreiber for contributing to the documentation and library for this release.

We solved issue #74 and #76 and updated the support library version. The demo app now has more examples for dynamic objects.

I've implemented DiffUtil and therefore you should find it less resource intensive to update the list - in fact, it can now be refreshed every second without dropping any frames. A lot of improvements here.

  • getMaterialAboutList() has been renamed to getList() to avoid confusion.

Release 2.2.3 - Fix for MaterialTitleItem and Support Library version support.

17 Sep 10:26
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Fixed #70 in this release and addressed the issues regarding support library conflicts. I apologise for not updating to support the new support libraries (that's a mouthful) sooner since I have been abroad and away from my computer for quite some time.

You can now use a different version of the library depending on which version of the support library you use:

For example, to use the latest version of the support library you should use:

compile 'com.github.daniel-stoneuk:material-about-library:2.2.3-support26.1.0'

Release 2.2.1 - Themes (BREAKING)

26 Jul 09:08
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(fixed naming convention in 2.2.0 -> 2.2.1)

@Robyer contributed to this release, fixing up many of the styles. You'll need to update your styles.xml to extend the following new themes:

  • Theme.Mal.Light (with light toolbar)
  • Theme.Mal.Light.DarkActionBar (with dark toolbar)
  • Theme.Mal.Dark (with dark toolbar)
    - Theme.Mal.Dark.LightActionBar (with light toolbar)


  • Removed mal_lightActionBar, mal_popupOverlay attributes. Added mal_toolbarTheme, mal_toolbarPopupTheme instead.
  • You no longer need to catch NameNotFoundException when calling ConvenienceBuilder.createVersionActionItem()

Check out the sample app to see how to migrate.

A refresh menu item has been added to the demo showcasing the fixes and ability to refresh.

Release 2.2.0 - Refactoring (BREAKING)

25 Jul 20:43
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@Robyer contributed to this release, fixing up many of the styles. You'll need to update your styles.xml to extend the following new themes:

  • Theme.Mal.Light (with dark toolbar)
  • Theme.Mal.Dark (with dark toolbar)
  • Theme.Mal.Light.LightActionBar (with light toolbar)
  • Theme.Mal.Dark.LightActionBar (with light toolbar)


  • Removed mal_lightActionBar, mal_popupOverlay attributes. Added mal_toolbarTheme, mal_toolbarPopupTheme instead.
  • You no longer need to catch NameNotFoundException when calling ConvenienceBuilder.createVersionActionItem()

Check out the sample app to see how to migrate.

A refresh menu item has been added to the demo showcasing the fixes and ability to refresh.