This is a simple OCI redirector service that allows for custom domains, including forwarding auth token requests to the original registry.
For example, this is used to serve*
as a redirection to*
It's intended to be deployed to Google Cloud Run, which is responsible for handling HTTPS.
First make sure you're logged in to GCP and initialize the Terraform depedencies:
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login
terraform init
Then build and deploy the service with:
$ terraform apply -var project=[MY-PROJECT]
url = ""
This requires permission to push images to GCR, and to deploy Cloud Run services.
This will deploy to us-east4
-- you can override with -var region=[MY-REGION]
To authorize through the redirection step (e.g., to access private images), you can configure credentials for the domain where the redirector is hosted.
This may be a Cloud Run service URL (something like
) or a mapped domain name.
When used this way, registry credentials are sent to the redirector, and are passed directly on to the real registry. Credentials are never stored or logged by the redirector.
To configure auth to GCR, you can either:
- download a Service Account's JSON key as described in GCR docs, or
- configure the
cred helper
In either case, make sure to configure those creds for the redirector's domain, not *
, e.g.:
cat keyfile.json | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin
or, in your ~/.docker/config.json
"credHelpers": {
"": "gcr",
This will tell clients to use GCR creds to talk to the redirector, which will be passed through the redirector to GCR when you make requests.
To configure auth to GHCR, you can use a personal access token as described in GHCR docs.
Make sure to configure those creds for the redirector's domain, not
, e.g.:
echo $CR_PAT | docker login -u USERNAME --password-stdin
This will tell clients to use GHCR creds to talk to the redirector, which will be passed through the redirector to GHCR when you make requests.
You can use this to host other redirections, to (the default) or (using --gcr=true