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This program can be used to create config to back up docker compose container with rsnapshot.

Get Started


This script expects a folder structure in the following scheme:

  - projectDir1/  
      - docker-compose.yml  
  - projectDir2/  
      - docker-compose.yml  
      - ...  
  - ...

The config file for this script has to be in the docker compose root.

Quick Start

  1. Execute the Script
  2. Examine Output
  3. Change newly generated backup.ini in docker compose root directory if necessary
  4. Create backup.ini files in projectDirs that need special configuration


The Backup process is divided in steps. There are 7 Steps:

  • runtime_backup
  • pre_stop
  • stop
  • pre_backup
  • backup
  • post_backup
  • restart
  • post_restart

The steps are executed in that order.
The Idea is that the first step runtime_backup can be used for everything where the service can still be running, like backup of the image.
The stop step can be used to stop the container, so that the backup step can be used for a backup of the volumes.
After that the container can be restarted in the restart step.

Every command that gets executed in one of the steps is defined in the config file and can be changed fit your need.

Config File

This script is completely controlled via config files. There are two different type of config files:

  1. global config
  2. project level config

The global config is created with the first start of the script. It contains the default configuration for all projects and some more settings.
The project level config is not necessary but can be used to override the default configuration for individual services.

All config files are named backup.ini. The config file is divided in different sections and all entries are in the key=value schema like in other .ini files. All keys and sections are case-insensitive.

Default files

Global config

#Start of main section
#Specific commands for each step
backup = backup	$projectFolder	$backupPrefixFolder/$serviceName/projectDir
logTime = True
stopContainer = true
volumeBackup = true
yamlBackup = false
prefix = docker-compose

backup = backup	$volumes.path	$prefix/$serviceName/$
runtime_backup = backup	$projectFolder	$prefix/$serviceName/yaml	+rsync_long_args=--include=*.yml,+rsync_long_args=--include=*.yaml

stop = backup_exec	cd $projectFolder; /usr/bin/docker-compose stop
restart = backup_exec	cd $projectFolder; /usr/bin/docker-compose start

Project level config

pre_backup=backup_exec  docker exec -u www-data nextcloud /var/www/html/occ maintenance:mode --on
post_backup=backup_exec docker exec -u www-data nextcloud /var/www/html/occ maintenance:mode --off

runtime_backup=backup_script   $projectFolder/    /backupDir
pre_stop=backup_exec  docker exec -u www-data nextcloud /var/www/html/occ maintenance:mode --on
post_restart=backup_exec docker exec -u www-data nextcloud /var/www/html/occ maintenance:mode --off


The global config file has to main sections: - default_config - predefined_actions

The project level config file has a main section for every service that should be specially configured.

The main sections from the project level config and the default_config section of the global_config have the same structure.

It is possible to define commands that should be executed directly in this section. The commands are defined with the step, where they apply, as key and the rsnapshot command as value. The command can be multiple lines long.

The section also has different subsections:

  • {main_section}.Actions: This Section defines which of the actions that are defined in the global config should be activated or deactivated. That can be done with the action Name as Key and true or false as value.
  • {main_section}.Vars: This Section is used to define variables that can be used in rsnapshot commands. Variables can be defined with {var_name}={value}. The Variables can only be used for simple text replacement and no complex actions. Some variables are predefined. They are listed in the default Variables section.
  • {main_section}.Settings: This Section is used to set settings. All supported settings are documented in the following table.
Setting Description Default Value
logTime If enabled adds backup steps to allow logging how long steps take True
onlyRunning If enabled only creates backup config for containers that are currently running True

In the global config is a second main section with the name predefined_actions. This section contains actions that can be activated in the before explained .Actions section. The actions can be used to modularise the commands and for a possibility to disable actions on service level that are activated in the global config.

Every action has an own section with the name prefefined_actions.{action_name}. This section can contain RSnapshot commands like the other main section. It is also possible that an action has subsections that are defined like this: actions={one ore more actions}. These subsections can only be one level deep.

Default Variables

Some Variables are predefined and can be used in the backup.ini without being defined explicitly. These are the variables:

  • $serviceName: The name of the Service
  • $containerName: The name of the Container
  • $projectName: The name of the Project
  • $containerID: The ID of the Container
  • $projectFolder: The Path of the Project Folder
  • $volumes: A List of the volumes that are defined for the service. The backup commands are copied for each volume.