What's Changed
🚀 Features
- (components) 💄 redesign timeline for mobile
- (pages) ✨ add not-by-ai declaration
- (utils) ✨ support copycode for shiki
- (utils) ✨ support language display for shiki
- 💄 add an arrow on each external link
- (components) 💄 update style of copyright
- (components) 💄 update style of hero content
- (components) ✨ redesign hero-image look
- (layouts) 💄 update responsive layout
- (utils) ✨ support title; support better scroll
🐛 Bug Fixes
- 🚧 add semicolon
- (components) 🐛 ignore the wrong
- 🐛 fix astro-code shiki theme for dark & light
- (utils) 🐛 try to fix link-preview
- (components) 🐛 article bottom should not support jump 1st to last
- (projects) ⚡ update loading policy
- 🚨 lint the code
🚜 Refactor
- ♻️ rename coverImage to heroImage
- (components) 💄 redesign formatted-date style
- (layouts) 💄 move toc style code to layout
- (layouts) 💄 update layout; add animation switching mode
📚 Documentation
- 📝 add star chart
- 📝 update cover-image to hero-image
⚡ Performance
- 🚀 use shiki instead of expressive-code
- (components) ⚡ speed up load animation
- 💫 prove animation
- (components) ⚡ remove dompurify dependency
- (utils) ⚡ remove clsx dependency
- ⚡ remark-unwrap-images is deprecated
- (pages) ⚡ replace dependency sanitize-html & markdown-it to remark works
- (components) ⚡ improve loading speed by loading policy lazy
- (pages) ⚡ won't need to render twice
- (layouts) ⚡ combine code into twcss config
- (utils) 🚚 rename get-all-posts function
- (pages) 🚀 update comment style (they should not be included in client code)
🎨 Styling
- (pages) 🎨 format code
🧪 Testing
- 🧪 test if compress would make breaking changes
- 🧪 test if this will do harm to project stability
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- 🎨 update links
- (public) 🔧 update links
- 🚩 remove travelling logo
- (package) ⬆️ update to latest ver.
- 🚨 eslint 9 requests new config file format
- 🚨 update lint code
- (package) ⬆️ update packages; remove sharp
- (package) ➕ use sharp as prove images
Full Changelog: v3.0.9...v3.1.0