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Forgot to create your league for RLFantasy, or didn't add people to it? Sucks.

But there's a way to run your own "private" league with the help of this app.

How it works

The app will fetch the weekly stat pages off of RLFantasy and parse the contents into Java Objects, then pretty print them into a file.

How to set it up

Simple: Download the latest release zip (containing 3 files: rlfantasy.jar, template_output.txt and template_participants.txt), then rename the template_output.txt file to output.txt, and do the same with the template_participants.txt (into participants.txt) file.

Then simply add users (important: usernames from RLFantasy, NOT team names!) to the participants.txt file (one per line), and optionally modify the output.txt file to your likings (use {DATA} as placeholder for the data).

How to run

The jar file is executable, so simply double-click it. Alternatively, run java -jar rlfantasy.jar in your command line.

The app will output the result to a file named rlfantasy.txt.

Customizing Output

With the (don't forget to rename from template_) you can customize the format of the output. The following variables are available to use:


Variable Description Example
{name} Name of the player Tylacto
{points} Points of the player 123
{position} Chosen player position ATT


Variable Description Example
{rank} Current Weekly Rank 6
{align} Blank Space align to pretty print it a bit more
{rankLossGain} Rank Loss/Gain compared to last week +3
{teamName} RLFantasy Team Name What A Cool Team!
{user} Username that belongs to the team troxito
{totalPoints} Total Points of the team over all weeks 12345
{totalMVP} String representing the overall Team MVP Tylacto, 5555pts
{weeklyMVPs} String representing an enumeration of all MVPs per week (1) Tylacto, 555pts [ATT] | (2) Tylacto, 130pts [DEF]

Advanced: Building + Dependencies

Simply build it with maven.

Dependencies are OkHttp3, Jsoup and JetBrains Annotations (see pom.xml)