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Releases: csoltenborn/GoogleTestAdapter


29 Feb 14:43
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v0.18.0 Pre-release
  • enhancement: the new option Environment variables allows to modify the environment variables seen by the test executables without modifying the system's global environment. Variables are provided by means of key-value pairs Foo=Bar, and are separated by //||// (#302)
  • enhancement: added some debug output to make working with settings helper files easier (#278)
  • bugfix: if the last variable's value of a settings helper file was followed by a line break, that line break would be added to the value (#306)
  • maintenance: fixed some deprecation warnings in NuGet specification (#264)


12 Oct 06:45
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v0.17.1 Pre-release
  • bugfix: adapter settings and debugging were broken if option Behavior for missing test results was set to Report as not found (#298)


06 Oct 17:25
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v0.17.0 Pre-release
  • enhancement: under certain circumstances, the VS test framework might show a test in the test explorer which can not be run any more. So far, GTA has dealed with this rare situation by logging an according warning in debug mode; the new option Behavior for missing test results allows to configure GTA such that it reports such tests to VS (#295, thanks to Cornelius Stubbe for testing)
  • donations: thanks to Nicholas - I really appreciate it!


05 May 07:52
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v0.16.1 Pre-release
  • enhancement: GTA can now also be installed into VS 2019 16.1 Preview 2 (#286, thanks to Thomas Krogstad for report and testing)


28 Apr 15:45
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v0.16.0 Pre-release

Remark: Visual Studio 2019 by default installs Test Adapter for Google Test (the MS clone based on GTA 0.10.1); if you want to continue using GTA, you need to manually install it. In that case, make sure to uninstall TAfGT (and other test adapters which might not be needed, see below), since neither can GTA and TAfGT be installed in parallel, nor does it make sense to do so.

Changes within this version:

  • enhancement: option Debugger engine has new choice Managed and native, which allows to debug into managed code also (#276)
  • enhancement: settings helper files allow to provide additional information to GTA at test discovery and execution time (example project). This feature can be used to remove the need for a special configuration file for CI, or to reduce configuration redundancy between project and GTA settings (#278)
  • enhancement: speedup of test discovery. Hint: disabling or uninstalling unnecessary test adapters might also speed up test discovery (#282)
  • enhancement: new options allow better control of GTA output: output modes None and Verbose have been added, printing timestamp and/or severity can be disabled, output can be tagged with [GTA], and summary of warnings and errors can be disabled (#283)
  • usability: reorganized options. Note that this potentially is a breaking change, since some XML options have been renamed; if your settings files happen to use these options, GTA will print a warning and tell you how to adjust them (#271)
  • donations: thanks to Pascal, Timothy, Jarred, Lin Chun, Anonymous, Юлиан, and the great company GEOSLOPE - I really appreciate it!


21 Mar 19:39
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v0.15.0 Pre-release
  • enhancement: setting the new option Exit code test name results in an additional test per test executable that passes if the executable's exit code is 0, and fails otherwise. Additionally, GTA parses the test executable's output for certain tokens which allow to influence the test's outcome and message. One interesting use case for this is memory leak detection; a complete, reusable example is provided as part of GTA's SampleTests solution (#266, thanks to alfredskpoon for report, example code, and testing)
  • enhancement: the GTA extension is now loaded asynchronically by Visual Studio; the drawback is that support for Visual Studio 2012 had to be dropped (#243)
  • enhancement: the Show release notes option has been removed, and this release notes dialog has been slightly changed and now has very funny buttons (#270)
  • maintenance: reduced code duplication of streaming and batch output parsers (#263)
  • donations: thanks, John and Jean-Michel - I appreciate it!


24 Feb 19:05
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v0.14.4 Pre-release

Announcement: Microsoft has decided to force VS extensions to make use of asynchronous package loading. Since they only provide backwards compatibility for this down to VS2013, 0.14.* will be the last version with support for VS2012. Support for asynchronous package loading will be added in the next version of GTA.

Changes in this version:

  • bugfix: depending on the configuration, lines of test output might have been printed twice (#268)


06 Feb 05:18
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v0.14.3 Pre-release
  • enhancement: GTA now also supports the (not yet released) macro GTEST_SKIP() (#260, thanks to Sixten Hilborn for report and testing)
  • bugfix: some broken links of the README have been fixed (#257 and #258, thanks to Jim Orcheson for report and pull request)


16 Dec 08:51
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v0.14.2 Pre-release
  • enhancement: GTA can now also be installed into Visual Studio 2019 (#243)


10 Dec 12:41
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v0.14.1 Pre-release
  • bugfix: a dynamically loaded class could not be instantiated any more for some reason, causing the GTA package to crash when loaded (#250)