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Create a program that creates a network of docking stations and bikes that anyone can do.


  1. Setting up a project
  • Create a directory from the command line
  • Initialise a git repository within that directory
  • Create a file from the command line
  • Write a clear README
  • Add the to the staging area
  • Commit your changes with a clear message
  • Push the project to Github.


  1. From user stories to a domain model
  • Write down all the nouns in the User Stories
  • Write down all the verbs in the User Stories
  • Draw a table like the one above
  • Organise the nouns and verbs into Objects and Messages within the table
  • Draw a diagram that shows how your Objects will use Messages to communicate with one another


  1. From a Domain Model to a Feature Test
  • Start irb (or any other REPL) from the Command Line
  • Set a variable docking_station equal to a new DockingStation object
  • Explain to your pair partner what the resulting error means.
    • error message essentially said that the constant did not exist and could not be found in the ruby language, the irb or any gems.


  1. Errors are good
  • Write down the type of error
    • uninitalized constant
  • Write down the file path where the error happened
    • /Users/jackmccarthy/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.7.2/bin/irb:23:in
  • Write down the line number of the error
    • Line 1 (in IRB)
  • Use the Ruby Documentation to find out what the error means
    • the Constant has not been defined
  • Suggest one way of solving the error.
    • Create a constant !


  1. From Feature Test to unit Test
  • Initialise RSpec within your project
  • Create a new spec file for your DockingStation object
  • Set up the spec file to describe a DockingStation
  • Run RSpec from the Command Line
  • Explain to your pair partner the difference between this error and the error you saw before.
    • No method created to release the bike


  1. Passing your first Unit Test
  • Create a new file for a Docking Station class, inside the /lib directory
  • Define a DockingStation class
  • Use require to include this file inside your spec file
  • Run RSpec from the Command Line
  • Explain to your pair partner the difference between what you see, and the error you saw before.


  1. Back to the feature
  • Start irb (or any other REPL) from the Command Line
  • Use require to include the file that contains the DockingStation class definition
  • Set a variable docking_station equal to a new DockingStation object
  • Explain to your pair partner why you do not see an error now, when you did before
  • Ask the docking_station instance to release_bike
  • Explain to your pair partner what the resulting error means.


  1. Back to the Unit
  • Add a test to your spec file that expects DockingStation instances to respond_to the method release_bike

  • Rewrite this test using RSpec's one-liner syntax

  • Run RSpec from the Command Line

  • Explain the error to your pair partner

    • no method release_bike, so cannot find it
  • Add a method release_bike to the DockingStation class

  • Run RSpec from the Command Line

  • Explain to your pair partner the difference between what you see, and the error you saw before.

    • we now have a method so it finds it and can run the test
    1. Building a bike
  • Start irb (or another REPL such as 💊 Pry)

  • Instantiate a DockingStation as docking_station

  • Ask docking_station to release a bike, and save the response to a variable bike

  • Ask the bike if it is working?

  • Explain the error to your pair partner

    • unable to find method .working?, no Bike class
  • Create a new spec file for a Bike class

  • Set up the spec file to describe the Bike class

  • Run RSpec from the Command Line

  • Fix the error you see, similarly to how you fixed the same error for DockingStation

  • Add a test to your bike_spec.rb file that expects Bike instances to respond_to the method working?

  • Make this test pass.


Week one boris bikes challenges






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