How to create a docker with tensorflow
Run the following command at the prompt, in the same Terminal session: docker run -it -p 8888:8888
This will download tensorflow and will take a few minutes (~ 8 minutes) Make a note of the URL that is given. It will be of the form:
If you are using a Mac or Linux machine, create a script called in your bin directory: Create a Script to Start Docker Automatically
#! /bin/bash docker run -it -p 8888:8888 Make your script executable:
chmod +x
Start Jupiter
Jupiter is an application that runs in a browser and presents the user a virtual disk where the user can create folders and write programs.
To start the Jupiter connected to Docker, open your browser and enter the URL that was given to you in the previous step. http://localhost:8888/tree?token=someLongSeriesOfHexadecimalDigits
If you get an error message, replace localhost by the IP given next to the whale logo, above (I got when I started Docker).
In Jupyter, create a new notebook and add the Test example file to find out confirm it's working.
---NEXT-- Once you have confirmed the docker is setup. Setup The Image Classifire
This is the code for 'Image Classifier in TensorFlow
You just need to make a "classifier" directory with a directory "data" inside it with all your images For example
and then put your image on it. This "classifier" directory will have your samples but also trained classifier after execution of "".
Just type
./ [any_path]/my_own_classifier
And it will do anything for you !
Just type for a single guess
./ [any_path]/my_own_classifier /yourfile.jpg
To guess an entire directory
./ [any_path]/classifier [any_path]/srcDir [any_path]/destDir
# ./ /synced/tensor-lib/moto-classifier/ /synced/imagesToTest/moto21.jpg
moto (score = 0.88331)
car (score = 0.11669)