install and configure Flux Framework
This small library makes it easy to generate install scripts and configuration to get flux up and running! We will run this in the context of a JobSet, with the goal to generate the scripts necessary to install flux, etc.
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Fluxgen has two modes. If you use create you will create an install script that installs flux, creates configuration assets, and starts the brokers. if you use install it will just generate the install script.
Here is how to generate an install script.
# Preview in terminal
fluxgen install --dry-run
# Write to file
fluxgen install
Writing install script to
Here is an example for using fluxgen to generate an install script for a worker.
fluxgen create --brokers flux-sample[0-10] command arg1 arg2
And the lead broker:
fluxgen create --lead-broker --brokers flux-sample[0-10] command arg1 arg2
Just preview:
fluxgen create --lead-broker --brokers flux-sample[0-10] --dry-run command arg1 arg2
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