This module handle CyberSource SOAP service for payments. I've tried to use Detergentx Elixir wrapper to erlang module detergent without success. Also tried Bet365 soap module, with no luck.
This module only works for Apple Pay and Android Pay. Other systems will be added in the future.
It only supports 3 types of requests: Authorization, Capture and Refund.
- Add
to your deps:
{:cybersource_sdk, "~> 1.0.0"},
- Add
to the list of applications dependencies in yourmix.exs
def application do
[applications: [..., :cybersource_sdk]]
- Add configuration to your
Check Configurations.
- How to call it.
Check Requests.
You can update 4 parameters in configurations:
- endpoint: WSDL endpoint URL, you can check the most recent in
. Don't forget to only use the one with.wsdl
. - merchant_id: Your
, the same you use for login. - transaction_key: This key can be generated in your Business Center, under
Account Management
>Transaction Security Keys
>Security Keys for the SOAP Toolkit API
. - currency: Value of the currency you are going to use. Example:
, ...
config :cybersource_sdk,
endpoint: "",
merchant: %{
id: "my_company",
transaction_key: "pdsamp9094m89njkndsa+32423lnksi0NBL32M90dan==",
currency: "USD"
You can add multiple merchants. You need to setup first in configurations like the following example:
config :cybersource_sdk,
endpoint: "",
merchant_apple_pay: %{
id: "my_company_1",
transaction_key: "pdsamp9094m89njkndsa+32423lnksi0NBL32M90dan==",
currency: "USD"
merchant_android_pay: %{
id: "my_company_2",
transaction_key: "pdsamp9094m89njkndsa+32423lnksi0NBL32M90dan==",
currency: "USD"
After this, you need to send the worker
merchant atom to the request.
Check credit card funds, and hold the payment of the transaction until a capture or refund request is issued.
bill_to = CyberSourceSDK.bill_to("John", "Doe", "Freedom Street", "3L 10001", "New York", "USA", "[email protected]")
CyberSourceSDK.authorize(50, bill_to, "VISA", "3a9KSs98jDSAMsandsab8DSA+dk==", [], :merchant_android_pay)
Complete the authorization request by finishing it with the capture request. All the funds of this transaction will be available in your account and charged to the user.
items = [
id: 0,
unit_price: 12,
quantity: 2
CyberSourceSDK.capture("12345", request_id, items)
Cancel the authorization request by letting CyberSource know that you don't want to charge the user.
items = [
id: 0,
unit_price: 12,
quantity: 2
CyberSourceSDK.refund("12345", request_id, items)
Response to the request will be the following map:
merchantReferenceCode: "...",
requestID: ...,
decision: "...",
reasonCode: ...,
requestToken: "...",
ccAuthReply: [
reasonCode: ....,
amount: ...
ccCapctureReply: [
reasonCode: ...,
amount: ...
ccAuthReversalReply: [
reasonCode: ...,
amount: ...
fault: [
faultCode: ...,
faultString: ...