you already have an working Ionic2 project with the name ionic2-project.
you have all dependencies added
Author: CodeDee
Change directory to YOUR ionic2 project
cd ionic2-project
Add Crosswalk cordova plugin to your project
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
Now you should see cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview appear under plugin folder
|-- ionic2-project |-- app |-- node_modules |-- plugins |-- cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview ... ...
Make sure that have installed latest version of Android Support Repository & Google Repository.
This will bring up Android SDK Manager, check if you have installed.
Add platform Android, if you have not
ionic platform add android
Run project in Andrdoid device
ionic run android
Now we have to verify if crosswalk is successfully packaged into your project.
Hint 1: Inspect the name of built APK
|-- ionic2-project |-- app |-- node_modules |-- plugins |-- platforms |-- android |-- build |-- outputs |-- apk |-- android-debug.apk **<-- if you see this, crosswalk isn't in** ... ... ... ... ... ...
Hint 2: Inspect useragent of your application with Google Chrome Developer Tools
Follow the following steps:
Launch Google Chrome then launch Developer Tools (⌥⌘I)
Attach your Android device to your machine
Expand the 3-dots menu located at top right of the window, go to More Tools > Inspect deivces...
You will now prompted with a Device windows
Pick your Android device then under your ionic2 project click Inspect
Key in below command in the console
Verify your useragent string here:
Congratulation! You have successfully added Crosswalk into your Ionic2 project.